Create Hook
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Redirect to Hooks page from Backup & Recovery. To create a new Hook click on Create New from right side upper corner.
On click on Create New to Create a new Hook.
Namespace - Select this is in which namespace user will create the Hook.
Name - This is the name for the Hook.
PRE - TVK provides capability to specify prestop commands to be executed against the application before backup operation.
Ignore failure - This is to set failure toggle, if enable all the failures will be ignored for pre hooks execution
Timeout(sec) - Hook execution will be considered in error if it fails to complete within timeout.
Max Retry Count - It is maximum retry count for the command execution.
Command - The command to be executed as a part of Hook. Specifies the action to perform. Commands should include what shell to use and its args which will be able to run without the shell.
POST - TVK provides capability to specify poststart commands to be executed to quiesce the application before backup operation.
Ignore failuire - This is to set failure toggle, if enable all the failures will be ignored for pre hooks execution
Timeout(sec) - Hook execution will be considered in error if it fails to complete within timeout.
Max Retry Count - It is maximum retry count for the command execution.
Command - The command to be executed as a part of Hook. Specifies the action to perform. Commands should include what shell to use and its args which will be able to run without the shell.
Create - Hit this if all entered information is correct and validated and to create Hook.
Cancel - This is to revert and cancel the hook creation.