General Installation Prerequisites

Learn about the prerequisites to install Trilio for Kubernetes and the Preflight Check Plugin


Before installing Trilio for Kubernetes, please review the compatibility matrix to ensure Trilio can function smoothly in your Kubernetes environment.

Trilio for Kubernetes requires a compatible Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver that provides the Snapshot feature.

You should check the Kubernetes CSI Developer Documentation to select a driver appropriate for your backend storage solution. See the selected CSI driver's documentation for details on the installation of the driver in your cluster.

Trilio for Kubernetes requires the following Custom Resource Definitions (CRD) to be installed on your cluster:VolumeSnapshot, VolumeSnapshotContent, and VolumeSnapshotClass.

About Installing the Required CRDs

Before attempting to install the VolumeSnapshot CRDs, it is important to confirm that the CRDs are not already present so you do not install them twice.

To do this, run the following command:

kubectl api-resources | grep volumesnapshot

If CRDs are already present, the output should be similar to the output displayed below. The second column displays the version of the CRD installed (v1 in this case). Ensure that it is the correct version required by the CSI driver being used.

volumesnapshotclasses                 vsclass,vsclasses                    false        VolumeSnapshotClass
volumesnapshotcontents                vsc,vscs                      false        VolumeSnapshotContent
volumesnapshots                       vs                            true         VolumeSnapshot

Installing CRDs

Be sure to only install one version of VolumeSnapshot CRDs

  1. Read the external-snapshotter GitHub project documentation. This is compatible with both v1.19 and v1.20+.

  2. Run the following commands to install directly, check the repo for the latest version:

kubectl apply -f${RELEASE_VERSION}/client/config/crd/
kubectl apply -f${RELEASE_VERSION}/client/config/crd/
kubectl apply -f${RELEASE_VERSION}/client/config/crd/

For non-air-gapped environments, the following URLs must be accessed from your Kubernetes cluster.

In OpenShift Environments:

If the Kubernetes cluster's control plane and worker nodes are separated by a firewall, then the firewall must allow Ingress traffic on the following port(s)

  • 9443

Verify Prerequisites with the Trilio Preflight Check

Make sure your cluster is ready to Install Trilio for Kubernetes by installing the Preflight Check Plugin and running the Trilio Preflight Check.

Trilio provides a preflight check tool that allows customers to validate their environment for Trilio installation.

The tool generates a report detailing all the requirements and whether they are met or not.

If you encounter any failures, please send the Preflight Check output to your Trilio Professional Services and Solutions Architect so we may assist you in satisfying any missing requirements before proceeding with the installation.

Last updated

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