Create Backup Plans
This page explains how a user can create various types of backup plans.
Create Backup Plans
Log in to the T4K Management Console.
From the left panel menu, click Backup & Recovery.
Select one of your clusters from the left panel menu, which displays a dropdown menu for you to select from.
Backup Plan Listing From this dropdown menu, select Backup Plans.
From the page displayed, select Create New.
Choose from the three types of backup plan that may be created:
Follow the separate instruction sets for the backup plan types below.
Backup Plan - Single Namespace
The CREATE NEW BACKUPPLAN Single Namespace window **** displayed is arranged into two sections. Left section displays the current step. The right section opens to configuration section which is the first step to create a plan.
Create Backup Plan Configuration Namespace - Choose from the dropdown menu.
Name - Type a meaningful name for your plan.
Target - (Mandatory) Target is a storage location where backup/ snapshot will be stored. Select a target from the dropdown.
Encryption Secret - Choose an encryption secret from the dropdown menu. Which will encrypt backup/snapshot.
Snapshot Policies - This opens snapshot policies options which schedules the snapshot based on the policy selected.
Snapshot Scheduling Policy - This dropdown list all the scheduling policies to select from.
Snapshot Retention Policy - This dropdown list all the retention policies to select from.

Backup Policies - This opens backup policies options.

Scheduling Policy : Full Backup this schedules the backup based on the policy selected, when this plan is part of full backup.
Scheduling Policy : Incremental Backup this schedules the backup based on the policy selected, when this plan is part of an incremental backup process.
Retention Policy A retention policy specifies the number of backups to retain for different intervals.Select a retention Policy from the dropdown.

Retain Helm Apps - Enable this toggle to retain Helm apps during restore operations for backup.
Skip Image Backup - This toggle is to skip image Backup as it excludes the backup of container image.
Add Hooks
Click Next.
The Step 2: Resource Selector tab is now displayed. To include resources, click Add Resources. Included resources will appear under the Included Resources list.
Create Backup Plan Resource Selector To exclude resources, click Add Resources. Excluded resources will appear under the Excluded Resources list.
Click Next.
Create Backup Plan Continuous Restore Step 3: Continuous Restore (Optional) Remote TVK Instance Select a remote TVK instance from the dropdown menu
Continuous Restore Policy is a dropdown that list all the Continuous Restore Policies, And also provide an option to create a new Continuous Restore Policy by clicking new Continuous Restore Policy link provided at the bottom of the dropdown .
Add new transform Create Backup Plan - Hook Configuration
Skip & Create if Continuous Restore is not required, click on this to skip the step.
Click Create to create a backup plan with Continuous Restore.
The Step 4: Final Step Status Log
Status Log
Backup Plan - Application
The first step for Application Backup Plan is similar to Single Namespace Backup Plan.
The Step 2: Component Details Step is now displayed. There are three optional sub-tabs to choose from:
Click Add Operator Then type your operator name or ID into the Operator text field.
After clicking Add Operator type your operator name or ID into the Operator text field, And click on Apply.
After clicking Apply the operator will be added. Here there are multiple actions.
Click Add Another to include an operator.
Use the Edit icon to modify the new operator.
Click the X icon to remove the operator.
Select Add Operator Resources to include resources.
The Step 3: Continuous Restore Step is now displayed. This is same as Backup Plan - Single Namespace.
The Step 4: Final Step Status Log is same as Single Namespace status log.
Backup Plan - Multi-namespace
The CREATE MULTI-NAMESPACE BACKUPPLAN window **** displayed is arranged into two main sections left one shows the steps/progress and right one shows Global Configuration. First to display is Step 1: Global Configuration. Provide parameters like:

Target (Mandatory) Target is a storage location where backup/ snapshot will be stored. Select a target from the dropdown.
Encryption Secret - (Optional) Choose an encryption secret from the dropdown menu. Which will encrypt backup/snapshot.
Click Next.
Step 2: Resource Selection resources can be added to the Included Resources by clicking Add Resources.and/or the Excluded Resources list by clicking Add Resources. In this example, none are added.
Resources can be excluded form the Excluded Resources list by clicking Add Resources.
Click Next
Step 3: Namespace Configuration By Namespace is the first sub-tab of the Step 3: Namespace Configuration. On this sub-tab, selected namespace are listed. To add namespace-specific configuration like hooks, exclude resources and include resources, click Add Configuration beside the relevant namespace. There is also an option to Add Namespace if you wish to do that. This step is optional, so if namespace specific-configurations are not specified, global level configurations will be applied.
Step 3: Namespace Configuration By Namespace Selector is the second sub-tab of this step. On this sub-tab, you can select Add Namespace Selector. This is **** a combination of matching labels and matching expressions and T4K will select the namespaces that match the selected label sets dynamically. This step is optional, so if namespace specific-configurations are not specified, global level configurations will be applied.
Click next.
Step 4: Continuous Restore (optional) this have two dropdowns first Remote TVK Instance which is a dropdown to select the TVK instance. and second Continuous Restore Policy dropdown that list all the Continuous Restore Policies. And also provides option to create a new continuous Restore Policy by clicking new continuous Restore Policy link provided at the bottom of the dropdown.

Skip & Create if Continuous Restore is not required click on this to skip the step.
Click Create to create a backup plan with Continuous Restore.
You are now prompted to name your backup plan. Type a meaningful name into the free text field.
Select Done.
Step 5: Status Log is same as Single Namespace status log.
Create Backup Plan - Hook Configuration
This section explains how to add hooks to a backup plan.
In Create Backup Plan Step 1: Backup Plan Configuration, click on the Advanced section and then click Add Hook.
1. Select a Hook from the dropdown menu or create a new hook using the link provided at the very bottom of the dropdown. Create Hook
2. TVK provides the capability for selecting the containers within the pods selected by the pod selector.
Click on Add label Set to add a Label Set.
There will be two sub-tabs: Match Labels and Match Expressions.
Match Labels:
Select Labels from the dropdown and click Apply.
The added labels will be listed under the Added Labels section.
Click Add to add label set to the hook.
Match Expressions:
Match expressions include key-operator-value pairs where the value is optional based on the selected operator.
Click on Match Expression sub tab.
Select a Key from the Keys dropdown.
Select an operator from In, Not In, Exists, or Does Not Exist.
Select a value (only if In or Not In is selected in the previous step).
Click Apply to add this to ADDED LABELS list.
Click ADD
3. Pod Selection Using Regex:
The pod selection can be done by matching a regex Or provide a Regex.
Container Name Matching:
The expression provided in this field is used to match container names within the pods selected by the pod selector.
Last updated
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