Rancher Navigation Links for Trilio Management Console

This page describes the step-by-step instructions to create a Navigation Link for the T4K Management Console on the Rancher Management Console.

Users can create a Navigation Link on the Rancher Management Console to redirect a URL of any application deployed on the Kubernetes cluster.

The are two way to place the NavLink on the Rancher UI. 1. Create a standalone T4K UI NavLink on the left panel 2. Create a NavLink under a group and the Group will be placed on the left panel

Here are the instructions to create a Navigation Link (NavLink):

apiVersion: ui.cattle.io/v1
kind: NavLink
  name: triliovault-for-kubernetes-management-console
  description: T4K Management Console
  iconSrc: null
  label: T4K Management Console
  toURL: http://k3s-rke2-tvk.demo.trilio.io:31616/

In above yaml snippet:

  • metadata.name : Name of the NavLink

  • spec.description : Description of the NavLink

  • spec.iconSrc : Image or icon of the branding logo of the application or the company

  • spec.label : The label of the URL to be visible on the Rancher UI

  • spec.toURL: Complete URL of the application to be redirected to. The host name is k8s-triliovault-minion ingress hosts URL. The port is the NodePort of the k8s-triliovault-ingress-gateway service.

In above yaml, user can also provide service object information instead of toURL. For the details check the Rancher documentation Copy the above yaml and create the new NavLink.

Users can place the T4K UI URL under a group and then access it from the group dashboard:

apiVersion: ui.cattle.io/v1
kind: NavLink
    key: triliovault-for-kubernetes-management-console
    key: tvk-management-console
  name: tvk-mgmt-console-image
  description: T4K Backup & Restore Management Console
  group: Monitoring DashBoards
  iconSrc: <Copy the base64 encoded image and paste here>
  label: T4K Management Console
  toURL: http://k3s-rke2-tvk.demo.trilio.io:31616/

Once the user clicks on the NavLink, it will be redirected to the T4K UI.

For more information you can follow the documentation from Rancher as well.