Azure Cloud AKS

This page describes how to install Trilio for Kubernetes (T4K) in the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) environment and get the license for it.

Microsoft Azure Cloud provides the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) as a managed Kubernetes service offering. Trilio for Kubernetes (T4K) supports cluster-scoped installation on the AKS cluster.

Before you proceed with the T4K installation, run the preflight check on the existing AKS cluster. T4K utilizes the Volume Snapshot functionality provided by the CSI driver while performing the backup operation. AKS clusters have preinstalled CSI driver with Volume Snapshot Capability. It is recommanded for the users to run the preflight check tool with the storageclass that is used to provision the persistent volume and validate if it support the VolumeSnapshot capability.


There are two methods to install Trilio for Kubernetes (T4K) on the AKS cluster-

  1. Azure Commercial Marketplace

  2. kubectl CLI

  3. Azure Commercial Marketplace:

    1. Go to the Azure Marketplace and search the application "Trilio for Kubernetes (BYOL)" or directly click here to go to the T4K application listing page.

    2. Click on the application to open the application details window. Click on the Get it Now button.

    3. Click on the Continue button.

    4. You have two options here:

      1. If you have an existing AKS cluster:

        1. Select the existing Resource Group from the dropdown and select No option for Create new AKS cluster . This will populate your existing AKS clusters in the next steps. Click on the Next: Cluster Details button.

        2. Now, you can select the existing cluster name from the dropdown and click on Next: Cluster Extension Details> button.

      2. If you don't have an existing AKS cluster:

        1. Now, you can select the existing Resource Group or Create new resource group and then select Yes for Create new AKS cluster option and select the Region name from the dropdown to deploy the new AKS cluster. Click on the Next: Cluster Details> button

        2. Enter the details for the new AKS cluster - AKS cluster name, Kubernetes Version, VM Size, Enable Auto scaling, VMCount and click on Next: Cluster Extension Details> button.

    5. Enter the name of the T4K Manager extension as per the user's choice. For example- tvkoperator. Click on Next: Review + Create> button

    6. It will validate all the parameters and show the validation success message if everything looks good to deploy.

    7. Click on Create button to start the AKS cluster deployment and tvkoperator extension deployment on the cluster.

    8. Once, the deployment is complete, the user will see that both the AKS cluster and triliovaultmanager the extension is complete.

    9. Wait for some for deployment to complete.

    10. The users can go to the Resource Group and log in to the AKS cluster from CLI or check if all the T4K resources are created in the trilio-system namespace.

    11. The users can check if all the deployments are in Ready state.

    12. Once all the pods are in Running state, we can access the T4K Management console by using the Service Type assigned to the ingress-controller service.

  4. Kubectl CLI:

    Microsoft Azure (AKS) Kubernetes offerings leverage upstream Kubernetes. As a result, the installation instructions provided for Getting Started with Trilio for Upstream Kubernetes (K8S)environments can be used for installing T4K on the AKS cluster through CLI.

Once, the installation is complete, users need to contact Trilio to get the T4K license. Follow the Licensing instructions.