Optimize T4K Backups with StormForge
This article helps users to install and configure StormForge. It can be used find the optimized resource configuration of T4K to run the backup
Today many enterprises running Kubernetes applications are not aware of a way to monitor and optimize the resources used by those applications.
StormForge is a platform that helps users to automate resource tuning and deliver the best Kubernetes application performance at the lowest possible cost. StormForge allows users to run an experiment with a user specified number of trials. The trial runs on an application to find the optimized resource configuration required to perform certain operations. It uses machine learning algorithms to pick the combination of CPU, RAM and other resources to run a trial.
Install and configure StormForge with T4K
Follow below instructions to install and configure the StormForge with Trilio for Kubernetes and run the experiment to find the optimized resource configuration of T4K
Install and Configure StormForge redsky-controller-manager with K8s Cluster
Download and install redskyctl CLI
2. Authorize the linux server from where redskyctl will be evoked to run the experiment
Enter the URL generated by above command into the browser to authorize the Linux server
3. Verify if you are connected to the server where you want to run the experiment
4. Initiate the redsky controller manager pod on the kubernetes cluster
5. Verify if the redsky-controller-manager is running on k8s cluster
6. Authorize the kubernetes cluster, where user want to run the experiment and application is present
Install Demo Application and Configure T4K Resources
1. There must be an application running in the namespace which will be used to perform the backup by StormForge experiment
2. It is expected that Trilio for Kubernetes product is installed on the K8s cluster
3. Verify that T4K License
is applied to initiate the backup
4. Make sure that the Target
to store the backup is configured and is in Available
5. Create a Backup plan
for the application or namespace
6. Verify the backup plan is created correctly
Configure and Monitor StormForge Experiment
Users need to create a backup, bash script to monitor the backup and tvk-manager configmap.
2. User has all required entities in place to start the experiment
3. User can monitor the running experiment being performed for each backup.
4. Check the new Trial
running by the experiment
5. Verify the jobs
Monitor the Experiment from StormForge UI
After the experiment is in
state, user can view the progress at the StormForge UI using the login they have configured.
2. Once the experiment run is complete, StormForge experiment will show the recommended configuration with resource details.
Delete / Remove StormForge Experiment
After the experiment run is complete, user can remove the StormForge redsky-controller-manager with simple commands
Delete the experiment from kubernetes cluster along with all other resources
Delete the experiment from redsky tenant
Note: If you delete the experiment from redsky tenant, it will get deleted from the StormForge UI as well.
2. If user is facing any issues while running the experiment, they can check logs of redsky-controller-manager
Using StormForge, users can create desired experiments. Users run those experiments on Kubernetes cluster with applications running and perform operations like Backup/Restore. StormForge UI will provide the analysis through a well curated graph. It will show the best to worst combination of resources used to perform the operation in a particular trial. These optimized resource combinations can be applied in the production clusters to achieve the desired RPO/RTO.
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