T4K Integration with Observability Stack

The Observability Stack is a pre-packaged distribution for monitoring, logging and dashboard interfaces which can be installed into any existing Kubernetes cluster.


The Observability Stack is a pre-packaged distribution for monitoring, logging, and dashboarding and can be installed into any existing Kubernetes cluster. It includes many of the most popular open-source observability tools with Prometheus, Grafana, Promtail**,** and Loki. The observability stack provides a straightforward, maintainable solution for analyzing server traffic and identifying potential deployment problems.

T4K Installation with Observability using Trilio Operator

To install the operator with observability enabled, run the latest helm chart with the following parameter set.

helm repo add triliovault-operator https://charts.k8strilio.net/trilio-stable/k8s-triliovault-operator
helm install tvm triliovault-operator/k8s-triliovault-operator --set observability.enabled=true

Observability Stack Configurable Parameters

The following table lists the configuration parameters of the observability stack

Check the observability stack configuration by running the following command:

kubectl get pods -n <install_ns>

promtail-2zpcv                                              1/1     Running            0          2m16s
grafana-554cb4f55-q4q59                                     3/3     Running            0          2m15s
prom-server-786b8cf897-nglhh                                2/2     Running            0          2m15s
k8s-triliovault-operator-85dfc877b8-5xqx9                   1/1     Running            0          2m15s
loki-0                                                      1/1     Running            0          2m15s
k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook-96db687bb-wnfh7           1/1     Running            0          62s
k8s-triliovault-control-plane-6b986c8fb9-zjbnj              2/2     Running            0          62s
k8s-triliovault-exporter-7b98cb7678-wxwvx                   1/1     Running            0          62s
k8s-triliovault-ingress-nginx-controller-57b777f45b-dnjkv   1/1     Running            0          62s
k8s-triliovault-web-85c79c9c4f-djqqz                        1/1     Running            0          62s
k8s-triliovault-web-backend-5c8c67c548-pcgvl                1/1     Running            0          62s

View Logs From T4K UI

  1. Login to T4K UI with preferred authentication

  2. Select "Launch Event Viewer" on any required service or application

Accessing Grafana Dashboards

Grafana Endpoint : http://<TVK_IP>/grafana 

Login with default grafana credentials.
username: admin
password: admin123

Last updated