Upstream Kubernetes

This page describes how to install and license Trilio for Kubernetes (T4K) in an upstream Kubernetes environment.

Follow the instructions in this section to Install Trilio for Kubernetes in an upstream Kubernetes environment. This section assumes that you have installed kubectl and helm installed and correctly configured to work with desired Kubernetes cluster. T4K supports v3 version of helm.

There are multiple methods of installing:

Helm Quickstart Installation

In this installation method for upstream operator, a cluster scope TVM custom resource triliovault-manager is created. Perform the following steps to install:

  1. To add the repository where the triliovault-operator helm chart is located, use the command:

helm repo add triliovault-operator

2. Install the chart from the added repository:

To install the chart from the added repository using default configurations, use the following command:

helm install tvm triliovault-operator/k8s-triliovault-operator

Installation Configuration Options



T4K-Quickstart install feature is enabled



scope of T4K application created



tvk instance name



host of the ingress resource created



tls secret name which contains ingress certs



annotations to be added on ingress resource



ingress class name for the ingress resource



T4K ingress controller should be deployed



T4K ingress controller service type



enables preflight check for tvk



Name of storage class to use for preflight checks (Required)



Cleanup the resources on cluster if preflight checks fail (Optional)



Name of the secret for authentication while pulling the images from the local registry (Optional)



Pod memory and cpu resource limits for DNS and volume snapshot preflight check (Optional)




Name of the local registry from where the images will be pulled (Optional)



Node selector labels for pods to schedule on a specific nodes of cluster (Optional)




PVC storage request for volume snapshot preflight check (Optional)




Pod memory and cpu resource requests for DNS and volume snapshot preflight check (Optional)




Name of volume snapshot class to use for preflight checks (Optional)


Check out T4K Integration with Observability Stack for additional options to enable observability stack for T4K.

If using an external ingress controller, you must use the following command:

--set installTVK.ComponentConfiguration.ingressController.enabled=false --set installTVK.ingressConfig.ingressClass="" --set"" --set installTVK.ingressConfig.tlsSecretName=""

4. Check the output from the previous command and ensure that the installation was successful.

5. Check the TVM CR configuration using the following command:

kubectl get triliovault-manager -o yaml

7. Once the operator pod is in a running state, confirm that the T4K pods are up and running:

Check T4K Install
  • Firstly, check that the pods were created:

kubectl get pods

The readout should be similar to this:

NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook-6ff5f98c8-qwmfc            1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-web-backend-6f66b6b8d5-gxtmz                 1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-control-plane-6c464c5d78-ftk6g               1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-exporter-59566f97dd-gs4xc                    1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-ingress-nginx-controller-867c764cd5-qhpx6    1/1     Running   0          18s
k8s-triliovault-web-967c8475-m7pc6                           1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-operator-66bd7d86d5-dvhzb                    1/1     Running   0          6m48s
  • Secondly, check that ingress controller service is of type nodePort.

NAME                                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook                    ClusterIP    <none>           443/TCP                      129m
k8s-triliovault-ingress-nginx-controller             nodePort   80:30362/TCP,443:32327/TCP   129m
k8s-triliovault-ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP    <none>           443/TCP                      129m
k8s-triliovault-web                                  ClusterIP    <none>           80/TCP                       129m
k8s-triliovault-web-backend                          ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP                       129m
k8s-triliovault-operator-webhook-service             ClusterIP   <none>           443/TCP                      130m
  • Thirdly, check that ingress resources have the host defined by the user:

NAME              CLASS                           HOSTS   ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
k8s-triliovault   k8s-triliovault-default-nginx   *   80      129m
  • Lastly, check that you can access the T4K UI by typing this address in your browser: Trilio is now successfully installed on your cluster.

8. If the install was not successful or the T4K pods were not spawned as expected:

Preflight jobs are not cleaned up immediately following failure. If your cluster version is 1.21 or above, the job is cleaned up after one hour, so you should collect any failure logs within one hour of a job failure.

Additionally, there is a bug on the helm side affecting the auto-deletion of resources following failure. Until this Helm bug is fixed, to run preflight again, users must clean the following resources left behind after the first failed attempt. Once this bug is fixed, the cleanup will be handled automatically. Run the following commands to clean up the temporary resources:

  • Cleanup Service Account:

kubectl delete sa k8s-triliovault-operator-preflight-service-account -n <helm-release-namespace>
  • Cleanup Cluster Role Binding:

kubectl delete clusterrolebinding <helm-release-name>-<helm-release-namespace>-preflight-rolebinding
  • Cleanup Cluster Role:

kubectl delete clusterrole <helm-release-name>-<helm-release-namespace>-preflight-role

Manual Installation

To install the operator manually, run the latest helm charts from the following repository:

  1. To add the repository where the triliovault-operator helm chart is located, use the command:

helm repo add triliovault-operator

2. Install the chart from the added repository, but with the quick install method flag set to false, so that users can have more control over the installation:

helm install tvm triliovault-operator/k8s-triliovault-operator --set installTVK.enabled=false

Note that in step 2, you can also set additional parameters as set out inInstallation Configuration Options above.

3. Copy the sample TrilioVaultManager CR contents below and paste them into a new YAML file.

kind: TrilioVaultManager
    triliovault: k8s
  name: tvk
  trilioVaultAppVersion: latest
  applicationScope: Cluster
  # User can configure tvk instance name
  tvkInstanceName: tvk-instance
  # User can configure the ingress hosts, annotations and TLS secret through the ingressConfig section
    host: ""
    tlsSecretName: "secret-name"
  # T4K components configuration, currently supports control-plane, web, exporter, web-backend, ingress-controller, admission-webhook.
  # User can configure resources for all components and can configure service type and host for the ingress-controller
          memory: "400Mi"
          cpu: "200m"
          memory: "2584Mi"
          cpu: "1000m"
      enabled: true
        type: LoadBalancer

5. Customize the T4K resources configuration in the YAML file and then save it.

If using an external ingress controller, you must set these parameters in the yaml:

ingress-controller: enabled: false

6. Now apply the CR YAML file using the command:

kubectl create -f TVM.yaml

7. Once the operator pod is in a running state, confirm that the T4K pods are up.

8. If the install was not successful or the T4K pods were not spawned as expected:

Preflight jobs are not cleaned up immediately following failure. If your cluster version is 1.21 or above, the job is cleaned up after one hour, so you should collect any failure logs within one hour of a job failure.

Additionally, there is a bug on the helm side affecting auto-deletion of resources following failure. Until this Helm bug is fixed, to run preflight again, users must clean the following resources left behind after the first failed attempt. Once this bug is fixed, the cleanup will be handled automatically. Run the following commands to clean up the temporary resources:

  • Cleanup Service Account:

kubectl delete sa k8s-triliovault-operator-preflight-service-account -n <helm-release-namespace>
  • Cleanup Cluster Role Binding:

kubectl delete clusterrolebinding <helm-release-name>-<helm-release-namespace>-preflight-rolebinding
  • Cleanup Cluster Role:

kubectl delete clusterrole <helm-release-name>-<helm-release-namespace>-preflight-role

9. Finally, check the T4K install:

Check T4K Install
  • Firstly, check that the pods were created:

kubectl get pods

The readout should be similar to this:

NAME                                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook-6ff5f98c8-qwmfc            1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-web-backend-6f66b6b8d5-gxtmz                 1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-control-plane-6c464c5d78-ftk6g               1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-exporter-59566f97dd-gs4xc                    1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-ingress-nginx-controller-867c764cd5-qhpx6    1/1     Running   0          18s
k8s-triliovault-web-967c8475-m7pc6                           1/1     Running   0          81s
k8s-triliovault-operator-66bd7d86d5-dvhzb                    1/1     Running   0          6m48s
  • Secondly, check that the ingress controller service is of type LoadBalancer.

NAME                                                 TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)                      AGE
k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook                    ClusterIP    <none>           443/TCP                      129m
k8s-triliovault-ingress-nginx-controller             LoadBalancer   80:30362/TCP,443:32327/TCP   129m
k8s-triliovault-ingress-nginx-controller-admission   ClusterIP    <none>           443/TCP                      129m
k8s-triliovault-web                                  ClusterIP    <none>           80/TCP                       129m
k8s-triliovault-web-backend                          ClusterIP   <none>           80/TCP                       129m
k8s-triliovault-operator-webhook-service             ClusterIP   <none>           443/TCP                      130m
  • Thirdly, check that ingress resources have the host defined by the user:

NAME              CLASS                           HOSTS   ADDRESS          PORTS   AGE
k8s-triliovault   k8s-triliovault-default-nginx   *   80      129m
  • Lastly, check that you can access the T4K UI by typing this address in your browser: Trilio is now successfully installed on your cluster.

Proxy Enabled Environments

As a Prerequisite, configure a Proxy Server. For example - Squid Proxy

In order to install Trilio for Kubernetes in proxy-enabled environments. Install the operator (step 2 above) by providing the proxy settings:

Environment VariablePurpose


Proxy address to use when initiating HTTP connection(s)


Proxy address to use when initiating HTTPS connection(s)


Network address(es), network address range(s) and domains to exclude from using the proxy when initiating connection(s)

Note NO_PROXY must be in uppercase to use network range (CIDR) notation.

  • proxySettings.PROXY_ENABLED=true

  • proxySettings.HTTP_PROXY=http://<uname>:<password>@<IP>:<Port>

  • proxySettings.HTTPS_PROXY=https://<uname>:<password>@<IP>:<Port>

  • proxySettings.NO_PROXY="<according to user>"

  • proxySettings.CA_BUNDLE_CONFIGMAP="<configmap>"

    • For HTTPS proxy, create CA Bundle Proxy configMap in Install Namespace

    • Proxy CA certificate file key should be ca-bundle.crt

helm install tvm trilio-vault-operator/k8s-triliovault-operator \
--set proxySettings.PROXY_ENABLED=true \
--set proxySettings.NO_PROXY="localhost\,\,\/20\,\/14" \ 
--set proxySettings.HTTP_PROXY=http://<uname>:<password>@<IP>:<Port> \
--set proxySettings.HTTPS_PROXY=https://<uname>:<password>@<IP>:<Port> \
--set proxySettings.CA_BUNDLE_CONFIGMAP="<proxy-configmap>"

After the operator is created by specifying proxy settings, the TVM will pick up these settings and leverage them directly for operations. No other configuration is required.

After installation the next step is #licensing-tvk

Last updated