Create New Target

Deprecated Documentation

This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.

  1. Log in to the T4K Management Console.

  2. From the left panel menu, click Backup & Recovery.

  3. Select one of your clusters from the left panel menu, which displays a dropdown menu for you to select from.

  4. From this dropdown menu, select Targets.

  5. From the page displayed, select Create New.

  6. Select a Namespace that you wish to deploy a target into. Remember that you can easily deploy a target to a different namespace later.

  7. Type a Threshold Capacity value.

  8. Select the size measurement definition for the Threshold Capacity.

9. Choose NFS.

10. Type an NFS location in the Export field. It must have the following format:


11. Optionally, type additional value(s) to mount as NFS directory. You can provide multiple

values by using comma-separated values:

Example: nfs,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,nosuid For more information: Click here

12. Use the Enable Browsing switch to enable or disable browsing for available targets.

13. Select Continue.

Last updated