Custom Resource Definition - Application
API reference for Trilio Application
Last updated
API reference for Trilio Application
Last updated
Deprecated Documentation
This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.
# Custom Resource Definition - Application
Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the triliocrds v1 API group. Resource Types are as follows:
(Appears on: ClusterRestoreSpec, RestoreSpec)
Field | Description |
alias)(Appears on: BackupPlanStatus, BackupStatus, RestoreStatus)
ApplicationType specifies type of a Backup of an application
Backup represents the capture of Kubernetes BackupPlan defined by user at a point in time
Field | Description |
(Appears on: BackupComponentInfo, ClusterBackupPlanSpec)
BackupComponent defines the namespace and their configurations for backup
(Appears on: BackupStatus)
BackupCondition specifies the current condition of a backup resource.
(Appears on: BackupPlanSpec)
BackupConfig defines the require configuration for taking the backup such as target and retention policy. NOTE: ClusterBackupConfig field in clusterbackupplan_types.go is similar to this structure. Changes made here might be required to be reflected there as well.
(Appears on: ClusterBackupStatus)
BackupInfo contains the relevant information to uniquely identify a child Backup created from a ClusterBackup
BackupPlan is the Schema for the BackupPlan API
(Appears on: BackupPlanSpec)
BackupPlanComponents contains the 3 types of components, helm charts, operators and custom label-based resources
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlanStatus)
BackupPlanInfo defines the object reference and status of a backupPlan
alias)(Appears on: BackupComponentInfo, BackupPlanInfo)
BackupPlanSelector used in ClusterBackupPlan Status to identify how corresponding backupPlan is selected by, it could be by NamespaceSelector or by BackupComponent
(Appears on: BackupPlan)
BackupPlanSpec defines the desired state of BackupPlan
(Appears on: BackupPlanStatus)
BackupPlanStats defines the stats for a BackupPlan
(Appears on: BackupPlan)
BackupPlanStatus defines the observed state of BackupPlan
alias)BackupScheduleType specifies the type of schedule which triggered the backup
(Appears on: Backup)
BackupSpec defines the desired state of Backup
(Appears on: BackupStatus)
BackupStats specifies the stats of a Backup
(Appears on: Backup)
BackupStatus defines the observed state of Backup
(Appears on: BackupPlanStats)
BackupSummary comprises of backup object references and count of backups with different statuses
alias)(Appears on: BackupSpec, BackupStatus, ClusterBackupSpec, ClusterBackupStatus, DataSnapshot)
BackupType defines the type backup instance of an BackupPlan
(Appears on: PolicySpec)
CleanupConfig is the configuration for the PolicyType: Cleanup
ClusterBackup is the Schema for the ClusterBackup API
(Appears on: ClusterBackupStatus)
ClusterBackupCondition specifies the current condition of a clusterBackup resource.
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlanSpec)
ClusterBackupConfig defines the require configuration for taking the backup such as target and retention policy. NOTE: BackupConfig field in backupplan_types.go is similar to this structure. Changes made here might be required to be reflected there as well.
ClusterBackupPlan is the Schema for the ClusterBackupPlan API
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlanStatus)
ClusterBackupPlanCondition specifies the current condition of a cluster backup plan resource.
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlan)
ClusterBackupPlanSpec defines the desired state of ClusterBackupPlan
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlanStatus)
ClusterBackupPlanStats defines the stats for a ClusterBackupPlan
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlan)
ClusterBackupPlanStatus defines the observed state of ClusterBackupPlan
(Appears on: ClusterBackupConfig)
ClusterBackupSchedulePolicy contains the object references for incremental or full backup type schedule policy
(Appears on: ClusterBackup)
ClusterBackupSpec defines the desired state of ClusterBackup
(Appears on: ClusterBackupStatus)
ClusterBackupStats specifies the stats of a ClusterBackup
(Appears on: ClusterBackup)
ClusterBackupStatus defines the observed state of ClusterBackup
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlanStats)
ClusterBackupSummary comprises of ClusterBackup object references and count of ClusterBackups with different statuses
ClusterRestore defines the desired state of ClusterRestore
(Appears on: ClusterRestoreStatus)
(Appears on: ClusterRestoreSpec)
alias)(Appears on: ClusterRestoreSource)
(Appears on: ClusterRestore)
ClusterRestoreSpec defines the source from where the ClusterRestore is to be done
(Appears on: ClusterRestoreStatus)
ClusterRestoreStats defines the stats for a RestorCluster
(Appears on: ClusterRestore)
ClusterRestoreStatus defines the observed state of ClusterRestore
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlanStats)
ClusterRestoreSummary comprises of ClusterRestore object references and count of ClusterRestore with different statuses
(Appears on: ClusterRestoreSpec)
(Appears on: ClusterRestoreStatus)
alias)(Appears on: BackupPlanStatus, BackupStatus, RestoreStatus)
ComponentScope indicates scope of components i.e. [App or Namespace] present in backup or restore
(Appears on: RestoreCustom, RestoreHelm, RestoreOperator)
ComponentStatus defines the details of restore of application component.
(Appears on: DataSnapshot)
(Appears on: PodHookStatus)
ContainerHookStatus defines hook execution status for a containers
(Appears on: SchedulePolicy)
CronSpec defines the Schedule string and the cronjob reference. The Schedule string will only be visible to the user to be configured, the reference will be set by the controller Deprecated: Instead of using single cron string, schedule policy will use list of cron string
(Appears on: PolicySpec)
Crons defines the list of Schedule string and the cronjob references. The list of Schedule string will only be visible to the user to be configured, and the references will be set by the controller
(Appears on: RestoreCustom, Snapshot)
Custom defines the snapshot of Custom defined application.
(Appears on: BackupPlanComponents)
CustomSelector defines custom resource selection using SelectResources
which defines include resources & ExcludeResources
specify resource exclusion based on Label based & GVK based selection
(Appears on: TransformComponents)
CustomTransform specifies transformation configuration for Custom label-based resources
(Appears on: Custom, Helm, Operator)
DataSnapshot defines Snapshot of a Persistent Volume
alias)(Appears on: RetentionConfig)
(Appears on: BackupPlanSpec, BackupStats, ClusterBackupPlanSpec, ClusterBackupStats, ClusterRestoreSpec, RestoreSpec)
Encryption defines encryption secret to encrypt/decrypt backup data on target
(Appears on: Owner, Resource, TransformationError)
GroupVersionKind defines the Kubernetes resource type
(Appears on: Operator, RestoreHelm, Snapshot)
Helm defines the snapshot of application defined by a Helm.
alias)(Appears on: Helm)
HelmStorageBackend defines the enum for the types of storage backend from where the helm release is backed-up
(Appears on: TransformComponents)
HelmTransform specifies transformation configuration for Helm
alias)(Appears on: Helm)
HelmVersion defines the version of helm binary used while backup; currently supported version is v3
Hook is the Schema for the hooks API.
(Appears on: BackupStatus, RestoreStatus)
HookComponentStatus indicates status of hook execution for backup/restore
(Appears on: BackupComponent, BackupPlanSpec, ComponentConfig, NamespaceSelector, RestoreSpec)
HookConfig defines the sequence of hook actions and their associated pod-container regexes
(Appears on: HookPriority)
HookConfiguration contain’s configuration for hook implementation.
(Appears on: HookSpec)
HookExecution specifies the Hook required to quiesce or unquiesce the application
(Appears on: HookConfig)
HookInfo defines the config for hook action object reference to the matching regexes of pod and containers
(Appears on: HookPriorityStatus)
HookPriority contain hook & their targeted resources
(Appears on: HookComponentStatus)
HookPriorityStatus defines observed state for hooks priority wise.
(Appears on: Hook)
HookSpec defines the desired state of Hook.
(Appears on: Hook)
HookStatus defines the observed state of Hook.
(Appears on: HookPriority)
(Appears on: HelmTransform)
KeyValue specifies key-value pair for helm transformation
License is the Schema for the licenses API
(Appears on: LicenseStatus)
LicenseCondition specifies the current condition of a license.
alias)(Appears on: LicenseProperties)
LicenseEdition specifies the edition of the license.
(Appears on: LicenseStatus)
LicenseProperties specifies the properties of a license based on provided license key.
(Appears on: License)
LicenseSpec defines the desired state of License
alias)(Appears on: LicenseCondition, LicenseStatus)
LicenseState specifies the overall status of the license.
(Appears on: License)
LicenseStatus defines the observed state of License
alias)(Appears on: HookConfig)
Mode is the enum for 2 modes of quiescing the application components i.e Sequential or Parallel
alias)(Appears on: RetentionConfig)
MultiNamespaceCondition specifies the current condition of a clusterNamespace resource.
(Appears on: TargetSpec)
NFSCredentials defines the credentials to use NFS as a target type.
(Appears on: ClusterBackupPlanSpec)
NamespaceSelector defines namespaces for which backups are to be taken based on NamespaceSelector(labels & match expression) & their configurations
(Appears on: TargetSpec)
ObjectStoreCredentials defines the credentials to use Object Store as a target type.
alias)(Appears on: Patch)
Op indicates the Json Patch operations
alias)(Appears on: BackupCondition, BackupStatus, ClusterBackupCondition, ClusterRestoreCondition, ClusterRestoreStatus, Conditions, LicenseCondition, TargetCondition)
OperationType specifies the type of operation for Job
(Appears on: RestoreOperator, Snapshot)
Operator defines the snapshot of application defined by an Operator.
(Appears on: BackupPlanComponents)
OperatorSelector defines the mapping of operator name and their selectors
(Appears on: HookTarget)
(Appears on: CustomTransform)
(Appears on: DataSnapshot)
PodContainers defines Pod and containers running in that Pod.
(Appears on: HookTarget)
PodHookStatus defines observed state for hooks
(Appears on: HookInfo)
PodSelector selects pods for hook execution based on either Labels or Regex pattern. Both Labels & Regex can also specify
Policy is the Schema for the policies API
(Appears on: Policy)
PolicySpec defines the desired state of Policy
(Appears on: Policy)
PolicyStatus defines the observed state of Policy
alias)(Appears on: PolicySpec)
PolicyType is the Enum for types of policies
(Appears on: ContainerHookStatus)
PrePostHookStatus defines Pre and Post hook execution status.
(Appears on: ClusterRestoreStatus, ComponentStatus, Custom, CustomTransform, Helm, Operator, OperatorSelector, ResourceSelector, RestoreConfig, RestoreSpec, RestoreStatus, TransformStatus)
Resource defines the list of names of a Kubernetes resource of a particular GVK.
(Appears on: BackupComponent, BackupPlanSpec, ClusterBackupPlanSpec, CustomSelector, NamespaceSelector, OperatorSelector)
ResourceSelector used to define include/exclude resources as well as other resource selection, resource selection can be done using LabelSelector(MatchLabels & MatchExpression) & GVKSelector(GVK based & object names).
Restore is the Schema for the restores API
(Appears on: RestoreStatus)
RestoreApplication defines the snapshot contents of an Application Backup.
(Appears on: RestoreStatus)
RestoreCondition specifies the current condition of a restore resource.