Air-Gapped Install - Upstream Kubernetes

This page describes the instructions for deploying Trilio for Kubernetes (T4K) in a network-restricted environment for Upstream or any Upstream-compatible Kubernetes distribution.

Air-Gapped Install - Upstream Kubernetes

The following documentation provides a method to install Trilio for Kubernetes inside an air-gapped environment (a.k.a dark site), i.e., one with either no internet or just partial internet connectivity to run the installation.


  1. A host with 20Gb free disk space if you install a local registry.

  2. The host must have connectivity to the cluster.

  3. Container Runtime should be installed and running on the host (docker/podman/crictl/nerdctl)

  4. If you are installing a local registry, the IP of the host machine and port (by default 443) should not be blocked for cluster nodes or should not have other services like Nginx running.

  5. Check if any service is already running on the specified port. If so, mention another port with —port option while running


Perform the following steps to download the required files:

  • Download the installation package to the host

curl -O<version>/installer.tar.gz
  • Untar the installer using the command:

$ tar -xvzf installer.tar.gz
  • Check that the extracted code looks like this:

$ tree installer

    ├── certs
    │   ├── fullchain.pem
    │   └── privkey.pem
    ├── containerImages
    │   ├── alpine.tar.gz
    │   ├── registry.tar.gz
    │   └── trilioImages.tar.gz
    ├── helm
    ├── k8s-triliovault-operator-<version>.tgz

    2 directories, 9 files

Installation — library for setting up container registry with trilio images.


    # Create local container registry & load Trilio images.
    bash --setup

    # Create local container registry on a specified port. (Defaults to port 443).
    bash --setup --port <port-number>

    # Create local container registry using custom hostname and ssl certificates & load Trilio images
    bash --setup --registry-host <registry_host> --cert-file <path-to-cert-file> --key-file <path-to-key>

    # Load Trilio images on existing container registry without authentication
    bash --registry <registry-name>

    # Load Trilio images on existing container registry with authentication
    bash --registry <registry-name> --user <username> --pass <password>

    --help                              Show detailed help with options.
    --registry <registry_name>          Existing Container Registry name.(If not provided, local container registry is setup)
    --user <username>                   Existing Container registry username.(If the given container registry requires auth)
    --pass <password>                   Existing Container registry password.(If the given container registry requires auth)
    --setup                             Setup container registry.
    --port <registry_port>              Setup container registry on a specified port. (Defaults to 443)
    --registry-host <registry_host>     Setup container registry with valid domain name if TLS Certificate provided
    --cert-file <path-to-cert-file>     Setup container registry with SSL/TLS certificate
    --key-file <path-to-key-file>       Setup container registry with SSL/TLS private key

User Actions

  • Local secure private container registry setup with wildcard certificates. (Not recommended for production use) :

    bash installer/ --setup
  • Local secure private container registry setup on the specified port :

    bash installer/ --setup --port 5000
  • Local secure private container registry setup with user-provided certificates. (Not recommended for production use) :

    bash installer/ --setup --registry-host <registry-hostname> --cert-file <path-to-cert-file> --key-file <path-to-key-file>
  • Use an already existing container registry :

    1. Container Registry with authentication :

      bash installer/ --registry <registry-name> --user <registry-username> --pass <registry-pass>
    2. Container Registry without any authentication :

      bash installer/ --registry <registry-name>

Upgrade T4K

Perform the following steps to download and install the upgrade files required:

  1. Download the newer version installer package from the GCS bucket here: curl -O<version>/installer.tar.gz

  2. Unzip installer.tar.gz

  3. Run helm upgrade using the following command:

helm upgrade --install <release-name> <k8s-triliovault-operator-*.tgz> --set registry=<registry-name>

Last updated