Prometheus Metrics
This appendix section describes the various metrics along with tags and values that are provided with Trilio for Kubernetes.
Deprecated Documentation
This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.
# Prometheus Metrics
Below are metrics included in trilio exporter which are exposed to the Prometheus server. Each metric has additional and related information for each resource in the form of tags and has a value. Check given sample for more detail.
trilio_backupplan_info description: this metric provide detail about BackupPlan CRD tags: applicationtype, backup_count, backupplan, cluster, creation_ts, lastprotected, namespace, protected, status, target value: 1 (Available/Completed) or 0 (InProgress) or -1 (Failed/Error)
trilio_target_info description: this metric provide detail about target CRD tags: cluster, creation_ts, namespace, size, status, target, vendor, vendorType value: 1 (Available) or 0 (Unavailable)
trilio_target_storage description: this metric provide detail about target CRD storage tags: cluster, creation_ts, namespace, status, target, vendor, vendorType value: storage in bytes
trilio_backup_info description: this metric provide detail about backup CRD tags: applicationtype, backupplan, backup, cluster, completion_ts, hook, namespace, size, start_ts, status, target value: 1 (Available/Completed) or 0 (InProgress) or -1 (Failed/Error) -2(UnKnown)\
trilio_backup_status_percentage description: this metric provide detail about backup and its percentage status tags: backupplan, backup, cluster, completion_ts, namespace, size, start_ts, status, target value: percentage status
trilio_backup_completed_duration description: this metric provide detail about backups that are in Available state with its duration taken. tags: backupplan, backup, cluster, completion_ts, namespace, start_ts, status, target value: duration in minutes
trilio_backup_storage description: this metric provide detail about backup storage. tags: backupplan, backup, cluster, completion_ts, namespace, start_ts, status, target value: size in bytes
trilio_backup_metadata_info description: this metric provide detail about backup metadata. tags: apiversion, applicationtype, backup, backupplan, cluster, namespace, objectname, objecttype, status value: count of objects
trilio_restore_info description: this metric provide detail about restore CRD. tags: backup, backupplan, cluster, completion_ts, namespace, restore, size, start_ts, status, target value: 1 (Available/Completed) or 0 (InProgress) or -1 (Failed/Error) -2(UnKnown)\
trilio_restore_status_percentage description: this metric provide detail about backup and its percentage status tags: backup, completion timestamp, cluster, namespace, restore, start timestamp, size, status, target value: status percentage
trilio_restore_completed_duration description: this metric provide detail about restore that are in Completed state with its duration taken. tags: backup, completion timestamp, cluster, namespace, restore, start timestamp, status, target value: duration in minutes
trilio_restore_metadata_info description: this metric provide detail about restore metadata. tags: apiversion, applicationtype, backupplan, cluster, namespace, objectname, objecttype, restore, status value: count of objects
trilio_component_status description: this metric provide detail about all triliovault components with available replicas. tags: cluster, deployment, namespace, status(Ready State) value: available replicas count
trilio_system_info description: this metric provide details about all triliovault installation. tags: cluster, namespace, scope value: 1
Cluster UUID string
Resource Namespace
T4K Installation Scope
T4K Component Deployment Name
Component Status code: 1 (Available/Completed) 0 (InProgress) -1 (Failed/Error) -2 (UnKnown)
We divide application into three groups: Helm, Operator, Custom on basis of BackupPlan
Number of backups under given BackupPlan
Name of Backup Plan
Resource Creation TImestamp
"2020-07-07 16:58:44 +0530 IST"
Resource Start Timestamp
"2020-07-07 16:58:44 +0530 IST"
Resource Completion Timestamp
"2020-07-07 16:58:44 +0530 IST"
Last Backup Completion Timestamp for given Backup Plan
"2020-07-07 16:58:44 +0530 IST"
Provide true/false, on whether Backup Plan has any successful Backup
Target Name for respective Backup or Backup Plan
Storage size in bytes
Storage Provider Vendor
Type of Storage Used
Resource Start Timestamp
"2020-07-07 16:58:44 +0530 IST"
Backup Plan Hook Enabled or not
GVK Version for Object under Backup/Restore Metadata
Object Name for Resource under Backup/Restore Metadata
Object Type for Resource under Backup/Restore Metadata
Last updated
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