Add new backup target on RHOSO18.0
Please follow the below steps to add new backup target on RHOSO18.
1] Mount Backup target on Trilio Control Plane
Navigate to trilio ctlplane-scripts directory
Plan which type of backup target you want to add. T4O supports two types of backup targets.
If you want to add backup target of type 'nfs' then edit the following yaml file and create TVOBackupTarget resource.
If you want to add backup target of type 's3' then edit the following yaml file. If your S3 is amazon s3 then edit following file and create TVOBackupTarget resource
If your S3 is of any other type edit following file and create TVOBackupTarget resource
Check deployment progress
2] Mount Backup target on Trilio Data Plane
Navigate to data plane scripts directory
Create templates needed for adding backup targets. Please note that use unique backup target name for parameter <BACKUP_TARGET_NAME>. You should not have used this backup target name earlier for any other trilio backup target. For parameter <BACKUP_TARGET_TYPE>, valid choices are ‘s3' and 'nfs’
A new directory gets created with backup target name having necessary templates. You can list these templates.
Backup target name gets set in all the yaml files created in this directory. BACKUP_TARGET_NAME gets converted to all small case and if any underscore ‘_' character is there in it, it gets replaced by hyphen character '-'. Add backup target details to template
Change to <BACKUP_TARGET_NAME> if not done already
Edit config map file
Create config map
Set Trilio Ansible Runner container image url and tag in parameter 'openStackAnsibleEERunnerImage:' of trilio-add-backup-target-service.yaml You don’t need to change any other parameter.
Create custom data plane service for this backup target
Edit trilio-add-backup-target-deployment.yaml file and set parameter ‘nodeSets' with correct value from your environment. You don’t need to change any other parameter.
Get OpenStackDataPlaneNodeSet name
Set 'nodeSets' parameter
Trigger deployment of this backup target
Check logs Edit <DEPLOYMENT_NAME>, take it from above deployment yaml.
If this pod does not get created, it means you have not used unique backup target name or some other issue happend. Please verify that
3] Add Backup Target Records
Login to triliovault-wlm-api pod and run below CLI command to create backup target in Trilio DB.
For NFS Backup Target:
Sample command:
For Object lock enabled S3 Backup Target:
Sample command:
For non-object lock S3 Backup Target:
Sample command:
Last updated
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