Disaster Recovery

Trilio Workloads are designed to allow a Desaster Recovery without the need to backup the Trilio database.

As long as the Trilio Workloads are existing on the Backup Target Storage and a Trilio installation has access to them, it is possible to restore the Workloads.

Disaster Recovery Process

  1. Install and Configure Trilio for the target cloud

  2. Notify users to of Workloads being available


Trilio incremental Snapshots involve a backing file to the prior backup taken, which makes every Trilio incremental backup a synthetic full backup.

Trilio is using qcow2 backing files for this feature:

qemu-img info 85b645c5-c1ea-4628-b5d8-1faea0e9d549
image: 85b645c5-c1ea-4628-b5d8-1faea0e9d549
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
disk size: 21M
cluster_size: 65536
backing file: /var/triliovault-mounts/MTAuMTAuMi4yMDovdXBzdHJlYW0=/workload_3c2fbee5-ad90-4448-b009-5047bcffc2ea/snapshot_f4874ed7-fe85-4d7d-b22b-082a2e068010/vm_id_9894f013-77dd-4514-8e65-818f4ae91d1f/vm_res_id_9ae3a6e7-dffe-4424-badc-bc4de1a18b40_vda/a6289269-3e72-4085-adca-e228ba656984
Format specific information:
    compat: 1.1
    lazy refcounts: false
    refcount bits: 16
    corrupt: false

As can be seen in the example is the backing file an absolute path, which makes it necessary, that this path exists so the backing files can be accessed.

Trilio is using the base64 hashing algorithm for the NFS mount-paths, to allow the configuration of multiple NFS Volumes at the same time. The hash value is calculated using the provided NFS path.

# echo -n | base64

When the path of the backing file is not available on the Trilio appliance and Compute nodes, will the restores of incremental backups fail.

The tested and recommended method to make the backing files available is creating the required directory path and using mount --bind to make the path available for the backups.

#mount --bind <mount-path1> <mount-path2>

Running the mount --bind command will make the necessary path available until the next reboot. If it is required to have access to the path beyond a reboot is it necessary to edit the fstab.

#vi /etc/fstab
<mount-path1> <mount-path2>	none bind	0 0

Last updated

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