Example runbook for Disaster Recovery using S3

This runbook will demonstrate how to set up Disaster Recovery with Trilio for a given scenario.

The chosen scenario is following an actively used Trilio customer environment.


Two OpenStack clouds are available: "OpenStack Cloud at Production Site" and "OpenStack Cloud at DR Site." Both clouds have Trilio installed as an OpenStack service to provide backup functionality for OpenStack workloads. Each OpenStack cloud is configured to use its unique S3 bucket for storing backup images. The contents of the S3 buckets are synchronized using the aws sync command. The syncing process is set up independently from Trilio.

This scenario will cover the Disaster Recovery of a single Workload and a complete Cloud. All processes are done be the Openstack administrator.

Prerequisites for the Disaster Recovery process

This runbook will assume that the following is true:

  • Both OpenStack clusters have Trilio installed with a valid license.

  • It's important to note that the mapping of OpenStack cloud domains and projects at the production site to domains and projects of OpenStack cloud at the DR (Disaster Recovery) site is not done automatically by Trilio. This means that domains and projects are not matched based on their names alone.

  • Additionally, the user carrying out the Disaster Recovery process must have admin access to the cloud at the DR site.

  • Admin must create the following artifacts at the DR site:

    • Domains and Projects

    • Tenant Networks, Routers, Ports, Floating IPs, and DNS Zones

Disaster recovery of a single workload

In this scenario, admin can recover a single workload at DR site. To do this, follow the high-level process outlined below:

  1. Sync the workload directories to the DR site s3 bucket

  2. Ensure the correct mount paths are available.

  3. Reassign the workload.

  4. Restore the workload.

Copy a given workload backup images to S3 bucket at DR site

Identify workload prefix

Assuming that the workload id is ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105, the workload prefix on the S3 bucket will be


Sync the Backup Images

Using AWS S3 sync command, sync workload backup images to DR site.

$ aws s3 sync s3://production-s3-bucket/workload_ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105/ s3://dr-site-s3-bucket-bucket/workload_ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105/

Ensure Backup Images at DR site

After successfully synchronizing workload backup images to DR site, you can verify the integrity of backup images. Login to any datamover container at DR site and cd to S3 fuse mount directory. Use qemu-img tool to explore backup images.

#qemu-img info --backing-chain bd57ec9b-c4ac-4a37-a4fd-5c9aa002c778
image: bd57ec9b-c4ac-4a37-a4fd-5c9aa002c778
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
disk size: 516K
cluster_size: 65536

backing file: /var/triliovault-mounts/workload_ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105/snapshot_1415095d-c047-400b-8b05-c88e57011263/vm_id_38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b/vm_res_id_d4ab3431-5ce3-4a8f-a90b-07606e2ffa33_vda/7c39eb6a-6e42-418e-8690-b6368ecaa7bb
Format specific information:
    compat: 1.1
    lazy refcounts: false
    refcount bits: 16
    corrupt: false

Reassign the workload

The metadata for each workload includes a user ID and project ID. These IDs are irrelevant at the DR site and cloud admin must change them to valid user and project IDs.

Discover orphaned workloads at DR site

Orphaned workloads are those in the S3 bucket that don't belong to any projects in the current cloud. The orphaned workloads list must include the newly synced workload.

# workloadmgr workload-get-orphaned-workloads-list --migrate_cloud True    
|     Name   |                  ID                  |            Project ID            |  User ID                         |  
| Workload_1 | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 | 4224d3acfd394cc08228cc8072861a35 |  329880dedb4cd357579a3279835f392 |  
| Workload_2 | 904e72f7-27bb-4235-9b31-13a636eb9c95 | 637a9ce3fd0d404cabf1a776696c9c04 |  329880dedb4cd357579a3279835f392 |  

Assign the workload to new domain/project

The cloud administrator must assign the identified orphaned workloads to their new projects.

The following provides the list of all available projects viewable by the admin user in the target domain.

# openstack project list --domain <target_domain>  
| ID                               | Name     |  
| 01fca51462a44bfa821130dce9baac1a | project1 |  
| 33b4db1099ff4a65a4c1f69a14f932ee | project2 |  
| 9139e694eb984a4a979b5ae8feb955af | project3 |  

Trustee Role

Ensure the that new project has the correct trustee role assigned.

# openstack role assignment list --project <target_project> --project-domain <target_domain> --role <backup_trustee_role>
| Role                             | User                             | Group | Project                          | Domain | Inherited |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | 72e65c264a694272928f5d84b73fe9ce |       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9 |        | False     |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | d5fbd79f4e834f51bfec08be6d3b2ff2 |       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9 |        | False     |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | f5b1d071816742fba6287d2c8ffcd6c4 |       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9 |        | False     |

Reassign the workload to the target project

Reassign the workload to the target project. Please refer toreassign documentation for additional options.

# workloadmgr workload-reassign-workloads --new_tenant_id {target_project_id} --user_id {target_user_id} --workload_ids {workload_id} --migrate_cloud True    
|    Name   |                  ID                  |            Project ID            |  User ID                         |  
| project1  | 904e72f7-27bb-4235-9b31-13a636eb9c95 | 4f2a91274ce9491481db795dcb10b04f | 3e05cac47338425d827193ba374749cc |  

Verify the workload is available at the desired target_project

After the workload has been assigned to the new project, please verify the workload is managed by the Target Trilio and is assigned to the right project and user.

# workloadmgr workload-show ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105
| Property          | Value                                                                                                |
| availability_zone | nova                                                                                                 |
| created_at        | 2019-04-18T02:19:39.000000                                                                           |
| description       | Test Linux VMs                                                                                       |
| error_msg         | None                                                                                                 |
| id                | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105                                                                 |
| instances         | [{"id": "38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b", "name": "Test-Linux-1"}, {"id":                      |
|                   | "3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0", "name": "Test-Linux-2"}]                                     |
| interval          | None                                                                                                 |
| jobschedule       | True                                                                                                 |
| name              | Test Linux                                                                                           |
| project_id        | 2fc4e2180c2745629753305591aeb93b                                                                     |
| scheduler_trust   | None                                                                                                 |
| status            | available                                                                                            |
| storage_usage     | {"usage": 60555264, "full": {"usage": 44695552, "snap_count": 1}, "incremental": {"usage": 15859712, |
|                   | "snap_count": 13}}                                                                                   |
| updated_at        | 2019-11-15T02:32:43.000000                                                                           |
| user_id           | 72e65c264a694272928f5d84b73fe9ce                                                                     |
| workload_type_id  | f82ce76f-17fe-438b-aa37-7a023058e50d                                                                 |

Restore the workload

The workload can be restored using Horizon following the procedure described here.

This runbook will use CLI for demonstration. The CLI must be executed with the project credentials.

Get list of workload snapshots

Get the list of workload snapshots and identify the snapshot you want to restore

# workloadmgr snapshot-list --workload_id ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 --all True

|         Created At         |     Name     |                  ID                  |             Workload ID              | Snapshot Type |   Status  |    Host   |
| 2019-11-02T02:30:02.000000 | jobscheduler | f5b8c3fd-c289-487d-9d50-fe27a6561d78 | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |      full     | available | Upstream2 |
| 2019-11-03T02:30:02.000000 | jobscheduler | 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9 | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |  incremental  | available | Upstream2 |
| 2019-11-04T02:30:02.000000 | jobscheduler | 0c086f3f-fa5d-425f-b07e-a1adcdcafea9 | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |  incremental  | available | Upstream2 |

Get Snapshot Details with network details for the desired snapshot

# workloadmgr snapshot-show --output networks 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9

| Snapshot property | Value                                |
| description       | None                                 |
| host              | Upstream2                            |
| id                | 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9 |
| name              | jobscheduler                         |
| progress_percent  | 100                                  |
| restore_size      | 44040192 Bytes or Approx (42.0MB)    |
| restores_info     |                                      |
| size              | 1310720 Bytes or Approx (1.2MB)      |
| snapshot_type     | incremental                          |
| status            | available                            |
| time_taken        | 154 Seconds                          |
| uploaded_size     | 1310720                              |
| workload_id       | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |

|   Instances    |                                                        Value                                                        |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-1                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-2                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |

|   Networks  | Value                                                                                                                                        |
|  ip_address |                                                                                                                                 |
|    vm_id    | 38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b                                                                                                         |
|   network   | {u'subnet': {u'ip_version': 4, u'cidr': u'', u'gateway_ip': u'', u'id': u'3a756a89-d979-4cda-a7f3-dacad8594e44', 
u'name': u'Trilio Test'}, u'cidr': None, u'id': u'5f0e5d34-569d-42c9-97c2-df944f3924b1', u'name': u'Trilio_Test_Internal', u'network_type': u'neutron'}      |
| mac_address | fa:16:3e:74:58:bb                                                                                                                            |
|             |                                                                                                                                              |
|  ip_address |                                                                                                                                 |
|    vm_id    | 3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0                                                                                                         |
|   network   | {u'subnet': {u'ip_version': 4, u'cidr': u'', u'gateway_ip': u'', u'id': u'3a756a89-d979-4cda-a7f3-dacad8594e44',
u'name': u'Trilio Test'}, u'cidr': None, u'id': u'5f0e5d34-569d-42c9-97c2-df944f3924b1', u'name': u'Trilio_Test_Internal', u'network_type': u'neutron'}      |
| mac_address | fa:16:3e:6b:46:ae                                                                                                                            |

Get Snapshot Details with disk details for the desired Snapshot

[root@upstreamcontroller ~(keystone_admin)]# workloadmgr snapshot-show --output disks 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9

| Snapshot property | Value                                |
| description       | None                                 |
| host              | Upstream2                            |
| id                | 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9 |
| name              | jobscheduler                         |
| progress_percent  | 100                                  |
| restore_size      | 44040192 Bytes or Approx (42.0MB)    |
| restores_info     |                                      |
| size              | 1310720 Bytes or Approx (1.2MB)      |
| snapshot_type     | incremental                          |
| status            | available                            |
| time_taken        | 154 Seconds                          |
| uploaded_size     | 1310720                              |
| workload_id       | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |

|   Instances    |                                                        Value                                                        |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-1                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-2                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |

|       Vdisks      |                      Value                       |
| volume_mountpoint |                     /dev/vda                     |
|    restore_size   |                     22020096                     |
|    resource_id    |       ebc2fdd0-3c4d-4548-b92d-0e16734b5d9a       |
|    volume_name    |       0027b140-a427-46cb-9ccf-7895c7624493       |
|    volume_type    |                       None                       |
|       label       |                       None                       |
|    volume_size    |                        1                         |
|     volume_id     |       0027b140-a427-46cb-9ccf-7895c7624493       |
| availability_zone |                       nova                       |
|       vm_id       |       38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b       |
|      metadata     | {u'readonly': u'False', u'attached_mode': u'rw'} |
|                   |                                                  |
| volume_mountpoint |                     /dev/vda                     |
|    restore_size   |                     22020096                     |
|    resource_id    |       8007ed89-6a86-447e-badb-e49f1e92f57a       |
|    volume_name    |       2a7f9e78-7778-4452-af5b-8e2fa43853bd       |
|    volume_type    |                       None                       |
|       label       |                       None                       |
|    volume_size    |                        1                         |
|     volume_id     |       2a7f9e78-7778-4452-af5b-8e2fa43853bd       |
| availability_zone |                       nova                       |
|       vm_id       |       3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0       |
|      metadata     | {u'readonly': u'False', u'attached_mode': u'rw'} |
|                   |                                                  |

Create the json payload to restore a snapshot

The selective restore is using a restore.json file for the CLI command. The restore.json includes all the necessary mappings to the current project.

   u'description':u'<description of the restore>',
   u'name':u'<name of the restore>'
            u'name':u'<name instance 1>',
            u'availability_zone':u'<AZ instance 1>',
            u'nics':[ #####Leave empty for network topology restore
                  u'id':u'<old disk id>',
                  u'new_volume_type':u'<new volume type name>',
                  u'availability_zone':u'<new cinder volume AZ>'
               u'ram':<RAM in MB>,
               u'ephemeral':<GB of ephemeral disk>,
               u'vcpus':<# vCPUs>,
               u'swap':u'<GB of Swap disk>',
               u'disk':<GB of boot disk>,
               u'id':u'<id of the flavor to use>'
            u'id':u'<old id of the instance>'
         } #####Repeat for each instance in the snapshot
         u'networks':[ #####Leave empty for network topology restore

Run the selective restore

The user who has the backup trustee role can restore the snapshot to DR cloud

# workloadmgr snapshot-selective-restore --filename restore.json {snapshot id}

Verify the restore

To verify the success of the restore from a Trilio perspective the restore status is checked.

[root@upstreamcontroller ~(keystone_admin)]# workloadmgr restore-list --snapshot_id 5928554d-a882-4881-9a5c-90e834c071af

|         Created At         |       Name       |                  ID                  |             Snapshot ID              |   Size   |   Status  |
| 2019-09-24T12:44:38.000000 | OneClick Restore | 5b4216d0-4bed-460f-8501-1589e7b45e01 | 5928554d-a882-4881-9a5c-90e834c071af | 41126400 | available |

[root@upstreamcontroller ~(keystone_admin)]# workloadmgr restore-show 5b4216d0-4bed-460f-8501-1589e7b45e01
| Property         | Value                                                                                                |
| created_at       | 2019-09-24T12:44:38.000000                                                                           |
| description      | -                                                                                                    |
| error_msg        | None                                                                                                 |
| finished_at      | 2019-09-24T12:46:07.000000                                                                           |
| host             | Upstream2                                                                                            |
| id               | 5b4216d0-4bed-460f-8501-1589e7b45e01                                                                 |
| instances        | [{"status": "available", "id": "b8506f04-1b99-4ca8-839b-6f5d2c20d9aa", "name": "temp", "metadata":   |
|                  | {"instance_id": "c014a938-903d-43db-bfbb-ea4998ff1a0f", "production": "1", "config_drive": ""}}]     |
| name             | OneClick Restore                                                                                     |
| progress_msg     | Restore from snapshot is complete                                                                    |
| progress_percent | 100                                                                                                  |
| project_id       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9                                                                     |
| restore_options  | {"description": "-", "oneclickrestore": true, "restore_type": "oneclick", "openstack": {"instances": |
|                  | [{"availability_zone": "US-West", "id": "c014a938-903d-43db-bfbb-ea4998ff1a0f", "name": "temp"}]},   |
|                  | "type": "openstack", "name": "OneClick Restore"}                                                     |
| restore_type     | restore                                                                                              |
| size             | 41126400                                                                                             |
| snapshot_id      | 5928554d-a882-4881-9a5c-90e834c071af                                                                 |
| status           | available                                                                                            |
| time_taken       | 89                                                                                                   |
| updated_at       | 2019-09-24T12:44:38.000000                                                                           |
| uploaded_size    | 41126400                                                                                             |
| user_id          | d5fbd79f4e834f51bfec08be6d3b2ff2                                                                     |
| warning_msg      | None                                                                                                 |
| workload_id      | 02b1aca2-c51a-454b-8c0f-99966314165e                                                                 |

Recovering all production workloads at DR site

The high-level process for disaster recovery in the production cloud includes the following steps:

  1. Ensure that Trilio is configured to use the S3 bucket at the DR site

  2. Replicate the production S3 bucket to the DR site S3 bucket

  3. Reassign workloads to domains/projects at the DR site

Sync DR site S3 bucket with Production S3 bucket

aws s3 sync s3://production-s3-bucket/ s3://dr-site-s3-bucket-bucket/

Ensure backup images integrity

Trilio backups are qcow2 files and can be inspected using qemu-img tool. On one of the datamover containers at DR site, cd to s3 fuse mount and navigate to one of the workloads snapshots directory and perform the following operation on a VM disk.

#qemu-img info --backing-chain bd57ec9b-c4ac-4a37-a4fd-5c9aa002c778
image: bd57ec9b-c4ac-4a37-a4fd-5c9aa002c778
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 1.0G (1073741824 bytes)
disk size: 516K
cluster_size: 65536

backing file: /var/triliovault-mounts/workload_ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105/snapshot_1415095d-c047-400b-8b05-c88e57011263/vm_id_38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b/vm_res_id_d4ab3431-5ce3-4a8f-a90b-07606e2ffa33_vda/7c39eb6a-6e42-418e-8690-b6368ecaa7bb
Format specific information:
    compat: 1.1
    lazy refcounts: false
    refcount bits: 16
    corrupt: false

Reassign the workloads to DR cloud

Trilio workloads have clear ownership. When a workload is moved to a different cloud it is necessary to change the ownership. The ownership can only be changed by OpenStack administrators.

List all orphaned workloads on the S3 fuse mount

An orphaned workload is one on the S3 bucket that is not assigned to any existing project in the cloud.

# workloadmgr workload-get-orphaned-workloads-list --migrate_cloud True    
|     Name   |                  ID                  |            Project ID            |  User ID                         |  
| Workload_1 | 6639525d-736a-40c5-8133-5caaddaaa8e9 | 4224d3acfd394cc08228cc8072861a35 |  329880dedb4cd357579a3279835f392 |  
| Workload_2 | 904e72f7-27bb-4235-9b31-13a636eb9c95 | 637a9ce3fd0d404cabf1a776696c9c04 |  329880dedb4cd357579a3279835f392 |  

List available projects in a domain

The orphaned workloads need to be assigned to their new projects. The following provides the list of all available projects in a given domain.

# openstack project list --domain <target_domain>  
| ID                               | Name     |  
| 01fca51462a44bfa821130dce9baac1a | project1 |  
| 33b4db1099ff4a65a4c1f69a14f932ee | project2 |  
| 9139e694eb984a4a979b5ae8feb955af | project3 |  

Make sure users in the project has the backup trustee role assigned.

# openstack role assignment list --project <target_project> --project-domain <target_domain> --role <backup_trustee_role>
| Role                             | User                             | Group | Project                          | Domain | Inherited |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | 72e65c264a694272928f5d84b73fe9ce |       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9 |        | False     |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | d5fbd79f4e834f51bfec08be6d3b2ff2 |       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9 |        | False     |
| 9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab | f5b1d071816742fba6287d2c8ffcd6c4 |       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9 |        | False     |

Reassign the workload to the target project

Reassign the workload to the target project.

# workloadmgr workload-reassign-workloads --new_tenant_id {target_project_id} --user_id {target_user_id} --workload_ids {workload_id} --migrate_cloud True    
|    Name   |                  ID                  |            Project ID            |  User ID                         |  
| project1  | 904e72f7-27bb-4235-9b31-13a636eb9c95 | 4f2a91274ce9491481db795dcb10b04f | 3e05cac47338425d827193ba374749cc |  

Verify the workload is available in the project

After the workload has been assigned to the new project verify the workload is assigned to the right project and user.

# workloadmgr workload-show ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105
| Property          | Value                                                                                                |
| availability_zone | nova                                                                                                 |
| created_at        | 2019-04-18T02:19:39.000000                                                                           |
| description       | Test Linux VMs                                                                                       |
| error_msg         | None                                                                                                 |
| id                | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105                                                                 |
| instances         | [{"id": "38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b", "name": "Test-Linux-1"}, {"id":                      |
|                   | "3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0", "name": "Test-Linux-2"}]                                     |
| interval          | None                                                                                                 |
| jobschedule       | True                                                                                                 |
| name              | Test Linux                                                                                           |
| project_id        | 2fc4e2180c2745629753305591aeb93b                                                                     |
| scheduler_trust   | None                                                                                                 |
| status            | available                                                                                            |
| storage_usage     | {"usage": 60555264, "full": {"usage": 44695552, "snap_count": 1}, "incremental": {"usage": 15859712, |
|                   | "snap_count": 13}}                                                                                   |
| updated_at        | 2019-11-15T02:32:43.000000                                                                           |
| user_id           | 72e65c264a694272928f5d84b73fe9ce                                                                     |
| workload_type_id  | f82ce76f-17fe-438b-aa37-7a023058e50d                                                                 |

Restore the workload

The reassigned workload can be restored using Horizon following the procedure described here.

We will use CLI in this runbook.

Get the list of snapshots of a workload

List all Snapshots of the workload

# workloadmgr snapshot-list --workload_id ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 --all True

|         Created At         |     Name     |                  ID                  |             Workload ID              | Snapshot Type |   Status  |    Host   |
| 2019-11-02T02:30:02.000000 | jobscheduler | f5b8c3fd-c289-487d-9d50-fe27a6561d78 | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |      full     | available | Upstream2 |
| 2019-11-03T02:30:02.000000 | jobscheduler | 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9 | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |  incremental  | available | Upstream2 |
| 2019-11-04T02:30:02.000000 | jobscheduler | 0c086f3f-fa5d-425f-b07e-a1adcdcafea9 | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |  incremental  | available | Upstream2 |

Get Snapshot Details with network details for the desired snapshot

# workloadmgr snapshot-show --output networks 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9

| Snapshot property | Value                                |
| description       | None                                 |
| host              | Upstream2                            |
| id                | 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9 |
| name              | jobscheduler                         |
| progress_percent  | 100                                  |
| restore_size      | 44040192 Bytes or Approx (42.0MB)    |
| restores_info     |                                      |
| size              | 1310720 Bytes or Approx (1.2MB)      |
| snapshot_type     | incremental                          |
| status            | available                            |
| time_taken        | 154 Seconds                          |
| uploaded_size     | 1310720                              |
| workload_id       | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |

|   Instances    |                                                        Value                                                        |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-1                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-2                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |

|   Networks  | Value                                                                                                                                        |
|  ip_address |                                                                                                                                 |
|    vm_id    | 38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b                                                                                                         |
|   network   | {u'subnet': {u'ip_version': 4, u'cidr': u'', u'gateway_ip': u'', u'id': u'3a756a89-d979-4cda-a7f3-dacad8594e44', 
u'name': u'Trilio Test'}, u'cidr': None, u'id': u'5f0e5d34-569d-42c9-97c2-df944f3924b1', u'name': u'Trilio_Test_Internal', u'network_type': u'neutron'}      |
| mac_address | fa:16:3e:74:58:bb                                                                                                                            |
|             |                                                                                                                                              |
|  ip_address |                                                                                                                                 |
|    vm_id    | 3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0                                                                                                         |
|   network   | {u'subnet': {u'ip_version': 4, u'cidr': u'', u'gateway_ip': u'', u'id': u'3a756a89-d979-4cda-a7f3-dacad8594e44',
u'name': u'Trilio Test'}, u'cidr': None, u'id': u'5f0e5d34-569d-42c9-97c2-df944f3924b1', u'name': u'Trilio_Test_Internal', u'network_type': u'neutron'}      |
| mac_address | fa:16:3e:6b:46:ae                                                                                                                            |

Get Snapshot Details with disk details for the desired Snapshot

[root@upstreamcontroller ~(keystone_admin)]# workloadmgr snapshot-show --output disks 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9

| Snapshot property | Value                                |
| description       | None                                 |
| host              | Upstream2                            |
| id                | 7e39e544-537d-4417-853d-11463e7396f9 |
| name              | jobscheduler                         |
| progress_percent  | 100                                  |
| restore_size      | 44040192 Bytes or Approx (42.0MB)    |
| restores_info     |                                      |
| size              | 1310720 Bytes or Approx (1.2MB)      |
| snapshot_type     | incremental                          |
| status            | available                            |
| time_taken        | 154 Seconds                          |
| uploaded_size     | 1310720                              |
| workload_id       | ac9cae9b-5e1b-4899-930c-6aa0600a2105 |

|   Instances    |                                                        Value                                                        |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-1                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |
|     Status     |                                                      available                                                      |
| Security Group | [{u'name': u'Test', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}, {u'name': u'default', u'security_group_type': u'neutron'}] |
|     Flavor     |                         {u'ephemeral': u'0', u'vcpus': u'1', u'disk': u'1', u'ram': u'512'}                         |
|      Name      |                                                     Test-Linux-2                                                    |
|       ID       |                                         3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0                                        |
|                |                                                                                                                     |

|       Vdisks      |                      Value                       |
| volume_mountpoint |                     /dev/vda                     |
|    restore_size   |                     22020096                     |
|    resource_id    |       ebc2fdd0-3c4d-4548-b92d-0e16734b5d9a       |
|    volume_name    |       0027b140-a427-46cb-9ccf-7895c7624493       |
|    volume_type    |                       None                       |
|       label       |                       None                       |
|    volume_size    |                        1                         |
|     volume_id     |       0027b140-a427-46cb-9ccf-7895c7624493       |
| availability_zone |                       nova                       |
|       vm_id       |       38b620f1-24ae-41d7-b0ab-85ffc2d7958b       |
|      metadata     | {u'readonly': u'False', u'attached_mode': u'rw'} |
|                   |                                                  |
| volume_mountpoint |                     /dev/vda                     |
|    restore_size   |                     22020096                     |
|    resource_id    |       8007ed89-6a86-447e-badb-e49f1e92f57a       |
|    volume_name    |       2a7f9e78-7778-4452-af5b-8e2fa43853bd       |
|    volume_type    |                       None                       |
|       label       |                       None                       |
|    volume_size    |                        1                         |
|     volume_id     |       2a7f9e78-7778-4452-af5b-8e2fa43853bd       |
| availability_zone |                       nova                       |
|       vm_id       |       3fd869b2-16bd-4423-b389-18d19d37c8e0       |
|      metadata     | {u'readonly': u'False', u'attached_mode': u'rw'} |
|                   |                                                  |

Prepare the selective restore by creating the restore.json file

The selective restore is using a restore.json file for the CLI command. The restore.json file captures all the details regarding restore operation include mapping of VMs to available zones, mapping volumes types to existing volume types and network mappings.

   u'description':u'<description of the restore>',
   u'name':u'<name of the restore>'
            u'name':u'<name instance 1>',
            u'availability_zone':u'<AZ instance 1>',
            u'nics':[ #####Leave empty for network topology restore
                  u'id':u'<old disk id>',
                  u'new_volume_type':u'<new volume type name>',
                  u'availability_zone':u'<new cinder volume AZ>'
               u'ram':<RAM in MB>,
               u'ephemeral':<GB of ephemeral disk>,
               u'vcpus':<# vCPUs>,
               u'swap':u'<GB of Swap disk>',
               u'disk':<GB of boot disk>,
               u'id':u'<id of the flavor to use>'
            u'id':u'<old id of the instance>'
         } #####Repeat for each instance in the snapshot
         u'networks':[ #####Leave empty for network topology restore

Run the selective restore

To do the actual restore use the following command:

# workloadmgr snapshot-selective-restore --filename restore.json {snapshot id}

Verify the restore

To verify the success of the restore from a Trilio perspective the restore status is checked.

[root@upstreamcontroller ~(keystone_admin)]# workloadmgr restore-list --snapshot_id 5928554d-a882-4881-9a5c-90e834c071af

|         Created At         |       Name       |                  ID                  |             Snapshot ID              |   Size   |   Status  |
| 2019-09-24T12:44:38.000000 | OneClick Restore | 5b4216d0-4bed-460f-8501-1589e7b45e01 | 5928554d-a882-4881-9a5c-90e834c071af | 41126400 | available |

[root@upstreamcontroller ~(keystone_admin)]# workloadmgr restore-show 5b4216d0-4bed-460f-8501-1589e7b45e01
| Property         | Value                                                                                                |
| created_at       | 2019-09-24T12:44:38.000000                                                                           |
| description      | -                                                                                                    |
| error_msg        | None                                                                                                 |
| finished_at      | 2019-09-24T12:46:07.000000                                                                           |
| host             | Upstream2                                                                                            |
| id               | 5b4216d0-4bed-460f-8501-1589e7b45e01                                                                 |
| instances        | [{"status": "available", "id": "b8506f04-1b99-4ca8-839b-6f5d2c20d9aa", "name": "temp", "metadata":   |
|                  | {"instance_id": "c014a938-903d-43db-bfbb-ea4998ff1a0f", "production": "1", "config_drive": ""}}]     |
| name             | OneClick Restore                                                                                     |
| progress_msg     | Restore from snapshot is complete                                                                    |
| progress_percent | 100                                                                                                  |
| project_id       | 8e16700ae3614da4ba80a4e57d60cdb9                                                                     |
| restore_options  | {"description": "-", "oneclickrestore": true, "restore_type": "oneclick", "openstack": {"instances": |
|                  | [{"availability_zone": "US-West", "id": "c014a938-903d-43db-bfbb-ea4998ff1a0f", "name": "temp"}]},   |
|                  | "type": "openstack", "name": "OneClick Restore"}                                                     |
| restore_type     | restore                                                                                              |
| size             | 41126400                                                                                             |
| snapshot_id      | 5928554d-a882-4881-9a5c-90e834c071af                                                                 |
| status           | available                                                                                            |
| time_taken       | 89                                                                                                   |
| updated_at       | 2019-09-24T12:44:38.000000                                                                           |
| uploaded_size    | 41126400                                                                                             |
| user_id          | d5fbd79f4e834f51bfec08be6d3b2ff2                                                                     |
| warning_msg      | None                                                                                                 |
| workload_id      | 02b1aca2-c51a-454b-8c0f-99966314165e                                                                 |

Last updated