Multi-Cluster Management

This page describes MultiCloud Management through the Trilio Management console and explains how to connect T4K clusters together.

Deprecated Documentation

This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.

Multi-Cluster Management


Trilio supports multi-cloud management (MCM) by allowing users to manage multiple T4K instances via its management console. As a result, application and data management between multiple Kubernetes clusters is simplified via a single pane of glass.

Trilio's MCM feature is built on a peer-to-peer model. Any cluster can be the primary cluster and any cluster can be the secondary cluster as per the users preference. Since Trilio's management console is completely stateless and aligned with Kubernetes RBAC, each user can connect clusters as per their RBAC and that view will be saved specifically for that user upon next login.

For example - Let's assume there are two users User1 and User2 with access to 5 Kubernetes clusters (Cluster1 through Cluster 5).

  1. User 1 connects Cluster 3 and 5 to cluster 1 (primary) providing their kubeconfig for those clusters - This information will be saved and loaded every time the user logs into the primary instance via their kubeconfig

  2. User 2 connects Cluster 1 and 4 to cluster 2 (primary) providing their kubeconfig for those clusters. This information will be saved and loaded every time the user logs into the primary instance via their kubeconfig

As a result, the management console becomes extremely flexible and aligned with each users view of their Kubernetes landscape (some Cluster 1 users may have access to Cluster 2, but not all) by providing them a lens into their specific clusters and not hardcoding a specific topology to align with.


  1. T4K must be installed in the Kubernetes cluster

  2. Web console for the T4K instance must be setup and configured before connecting it to another T4K console.

  3. User connecting a cluster must provide a kubeconfig file to connect to the cluster

    1. The kubeconfig file must have the correct access permissions for accessing the T4K instance in that cluster.

Adding Clusters

  1. Ensure that you have access to the Management Console UI. Refer to Configuring the UI.

  2. T4K supports authentication via KubeConfig files and via Dex, which is an identity service IDP plugin for other identity providers. To add clusters using LDAP and OIDC (Google SSO) authentications, you must first configure this. Refer to UI Authentication.

  3. Carefully perform each step described in Adding New Clusters.

  4. Ensure that you have a suitable license. Refer to Actions: License Update.

If a user is trying to connect the T4K UI of the primary cluster running on HTTP protocol to the T4K UI of secondary cluster running on HTTPS protocol then connection would fail to auto-populate the Kubernetes Distribution Type and load the different authentication options from Dex. Please follow this section to workaround this scenario.

Editing or Deleting a cluster

Connected T4K clusters can be edited or deleted from a T4K management console

  1. Click Primary (needed to enable MCM functions)

  2. Click the 3 dots next to the cluster you want to edit or delete

Multiple Versions

Trilio for Kubernetes management console supports connecting different versions of T4K clusters. In general, the primary cluster features will supersede the visualization in the console and the connected clusters will align with those features.

When connecting T4K clusters of different versions the following message will be shown:

Last updated