Compatibility Matrix
Compatibility Matrix for Trilio for Kubernetes (T4K)
Deprecated Documentation
This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.
Compatibility Matrix
Compatibility Quick View
Compatibility Details
More details around container distributions and management platforms that are supported by Trilio for Kubernetes. Ecosystem product compatibility information is also provided as part of this section.
Distributions and Container Platforms
The various distributions and container platforms are listed in the left column of the following table and the major versions of T4K are in the remaining columns. A tick/check in a cell means that the corresponding distribution or container platform is supported. If it is blank, it is not supported.
Note that the table below lists the various distributions that are fully supported by Trilio. Other distributions may successfully work for the user, but only those listed are formally supported.
*Trilio for Kubernetes has been developed as a Kubernetes-centric application. T4K will function on any Kubernetes distribution as long as it is CNCF conformant.
Trilio will continually update the Compatibility Matrix list of Kubernetes distributions as and when they are formally tested and validated and added to its standard CI/CD pipelines.
TrilioVaultManager and T4K Application Compatibility
The following table captures the compatibility matrix of Trilio Manager (Operator against T4K (Application)
Ecosystem Tools
Last updated