T4K 2.0.X to T4K 2.X Upgrade

Upgrade instructions for installations going from T4K 2.0.4 to T4K 2.X+

Deprecated Documentation

This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.

# T4K 2.0.X to T4K 2.X Upgrade

T4K 2.0.4 to T4K 2.X Upgrade

Since direct upgrade from 2.0.4 to 2.1.0 is not supported, uninstall the 2.0.x version and then reinstall the 2.1.0 version. The only difference from a regular reinstall is that you are not deleting the backups.

  1. Uninstall the T4K instance

    1. Uninstall the TVM for Upstream environments / Uninstall the Operator from OLM environments.

    2. Ensure there are no T4K pods running on the cluster.

  2. Delete the backups one by one and delete the finalizer block to avoid it being stuck in a 'deleting' state. This will remove the local references to the backup without touching the actual backup in the target.

    1. A quick article on deleting multiple finalizers together

Once the application is removed, follow the instructions to install T4K

Last updated