A workload is a backup job that protects one or more Virtual Machines according to a configured policy. There can be as many workloads as needed. But each VM can only be part of one Workload.
Using encrypted Workload will lead to longer backup times. The following timings have been seen in Trilio labs:
Snapshot time for LVM Volume Booted CentOS VM. Disk size 200 GB; total data including OS : ~108GB
For unencrypted WL : 62 min
For encrypted WL : 82 min
Snapshot time for Windows Image booted VM. No additional data except OS. : ~12 GB
For unencrypted WL : 10 min
For encrypted WL : 18 min5
List of Workloads
Using Horizon
To view all available workloads of a project inside Horizon do:
Login to Horizon
Navigate to Backups
Navigate to Workloads
The overview in Horizon lists all workloads with the following additional information:
Creation time
Workload Name
Workload description
Total amount of Snapshots inside this workload
Total amount of succeeded Snapshots
Total amount of failed Snapshots
Status of the Workload
Using CLI
Workload Create
The encryption options of the workload creation process are only available when the Barbican service is installed and available.
Using Horizon
To create a workload inside Horizon do the following steps:
Login to Horizon
Navigate to the Backups
Navigate to Workloads
Click "Create Workload"
Provide Workload Name and Workload Description on the first tab "Details"
Choose the Policy if available to use on the first tab "Details"
Choose if the Workload is encrypted on the first tab "Details"
Provide the secret UUID if Workload is encrypted on the first tab "Details"
Choose the VMs to protect on the second Tab "Workload Members"
Decide for the schedule of the workload on the Tab "Schedule"
Provide the Retention policy on the Tab "Policy"
Choose the Full Backup Interval on the Tab "Policy"
If required check "Pause VM" on the Tab "Options"
Click create
The created Workload will be available after a few seconds and starts to take backups according to the provided schedule and policy.
Using CLI
Workload Overview
A workload contains many information, which can be seen in the workload overview.
Using Horizon
To enter the workload overview inside Horizon do the following steps:
Login to Horizon
Navigate to the Backups
Navigate to Workloads
Identify the workload to show the details on
Click the workload name to enter the Workload overview
Details Tab
The Workload Details tab provides you with the general most important information about the workload:
Availability Zone
List of protected VMs including the information of qemu guest agent availability
The status of the qemu-guest-agent just shows, whether the necessary Openstack configuration has been done for this VM to provide qemu guest agent integration. It does not check, whether the qemu guest agent is installed and configured on the VM.
It is possible to navigate to the protected VM directly from the list of protected VMs.
Snapshots Tab
The Workload Snapshots Tab shows the list of all available Snapshots in the chosen Workload.
From here it is possible to work with the Snapshots, create Snapshots on demand and start Restores.
Policy Tab
The Workload Policy Tab gives an overview of the current configured scheduler and retention policy. The following elements are shown:
Scheduler Enabled / Disabled
Start Date / Time
End Date / Time
Time till next Snapshot run
Retention Policy and Value
Full Backup Interval policy and value
Filesearch Tab
The Workload Filesearch Tab provides access to the powerful search engine, which allows to find files and folders on Snapshots without the need of a restore.
Please refer to the File Search User Guide to learn more about this feature.
Misc. Tab
The Workload Miscellaneous Tab shows the remaining metadata of the Workload. The following information are provided:
Creation time
last update time
Workload ID
Using CLI
Edit a Workload
Workloads can be modified in all components to match changing needs.
Editing a Workload will set the User, who edits the Workload, as the new owner.
Using Horizon
To edit a workload in Horizon do the following steps:
Login to the Horizon
Navigate to Backups
Navigate to Workloads
Identify the workload to be modified
Click the small arrow next to "Create Snapshot" to open the sub-menu
Click "Edit Workload"
Modify the workload as desired - All parameters except workload type can be changed
Click "Update"
Using CLI
Delete a Workload
Once a workload is no longer needed it can be safely deleted.
All Snapshots need to be deleted before the workload gets deleted. Please refer to the Snapshots User Guide to learn how to delete Snapshots.
Using Horizon
To delete a workload do the following steps:
Login to Horizon
Navigate to the Backups
Navigate to Workloads
Identify the workload to be deleted
Click the small arrow next to "Create Snapshot" to open the sub-menu
Click "Delete Workload"
Confirm by clicking "Delete Workload" yet again
Using CLI
Unlock a Workload
Workloads that are actively taking backups or restores are locked for further tasks. It is possible to unlock a workload by force if necessary.
It is highly recommend to use this feature only as last resort in case of backups/restores being stuck without failing or a restore is required while a backup is running.
Using Horizon
Login to the Horizon
Navigate to Backups
Navigate to Workloads
Identify the workload to unlock
Click the small arrow next to "Create Snapshot" to open the sub-menu
Click "Unlock Workload"
Confirm by clicking "Unlock Workload" yet again
Using CLI
Reset a Workload
In rare cases it might be necessary to start a backup chain all over again, to ensure the quality of the created backups. To not recreate a Workload in such cases is it possible to reset a Workload.
The Workload reset will:
Cancel all ongoing tasks
Delete all existing Openstack Trilio Snapshots from the protected VMs
recalculate the next Snapshot time
take a full backup at the next Snapshot
Using Horizon
To reset a Workload do the following steps:
Login to the Horizon
Navigate to Backups
Navigate to Workloads
Identify the workload to reset
Click the small arrow next to "Create Snapshot" to open the sub-menu
Click "Reset Workload"
Confirm by clicking "Reset Workload" yet again
Using CLI
Last updated
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