Getting started with Trilio on Canonical OpenStack
Trilio and Canonical have started a partnership to ensure a native deployment of Trilio using JuJu Charms.
Those JuJu Charms are publicly available as Open Source Charms.
Canonical OpenStack doesn't require the Trilio Cluster. The required services are installed and managed via JuJu Charms.
Juju charms for OpenStack Antelope & Bobcat release
Charm names
Supported releases
Jammy (Ubuntu 22.04)
Jammy (Ubuntu 22.04)
Jammy (Ubuntu 22.04)
Jammy (Ubuntu 22.04)
A Canonical OpenStack base setup deployed for a required release like Jammy Antelope/Bobcat. Refer Compatibility Matrix
Steps to install the Trilio charms
1. Export the OpenStack base bundle
2. Create a Trilio overlay bundle as per the OpenStack setup release using the charms given above.
NFS options for Cohesity NFS : nolock,soft,timeo=600,intr,lookupcache=none,nfsvers=3,retrans=10
Trilio File Search functionality requires that the Trilio Workload manager (trilio-wlm) be deployed as a virtual machine. File Search will not function if the Trilio Workload manager (trilio-wlm) is running as a lxd container(s).
If trilio-wlm service is assigned to any nova-compute node then wlm mysql router service fails to start. Hence, please ensure to assign trilio-wlm service to some other node.
Sample Trilio overlay bundles (T4O release wise) can be found at LINK
Alternatively, triliovault-cfg-scripts
repository can be cloned to get the sample overlay bundles.
Value of trilio_branch
can be taken from release specific Resources
Following table provides the details of various values to be updated in overlay bundle.
List of Machines available on canonical openstack setup
If Backup Target is NFS
NFS server IP and share path
Options as per respective NFS server
If Backup Target is S3
S3 Endpoint URL
S3 Secret Key
S3 Access Key
S3 Region
S3 bucket
Set true for SSL enabled S3 endpoint URL
Set true for SSL enabled S3 endpoint URL
Required if S3 SSL/TLS certificates are self signed, else the parameter to be omitted. Provide path of the respective certificate file (.pem) from S3 in format tv-s3-ssl-cert: include-base64://<path_to_ca_cert>
For the AWS S3 storage backend, we need to use `` as S3 end-point URL.
3. T4O Deployment
3.1] Do a dry run to check if the Trilio bundle is working
3.2] Trigger deployment
3.3] Wait until all the Trilio units are deployed successfully. Check the status via juju status
4. Post Deployment Steps
4.1] Once the deployment is complete, perform the below operations:
a. Create cloud admin trust & add licence
Note: Reach out to the Trilio support team for the license file.
5. Verify the T4O Deployment
5.1] After T4O deployment steps are over, it can take sometime for all units to get deployed successfully. Deployment is considered successful when all the units show Unit is Ready
in the message column.
To verify the same, following command (& sample output) can be used to fetch the Trilio units/applications.
6. Troubleshooting T4O Deployment
6.1] To debug any specific unit : juju debug-log --include <UNIT_NAME_IN_ERROR>
Eg. If trilio-wlm/6 unit is in 'error' state, it's logs can be fetched using following command. Specific correct unit number from respective deployment using juju status
juju debug log --include trilio-wlm/6
For multipath enabled environments, perform the following actions
log into each nova compute node
add uxsock_timeout with value as 60000 (i.e. 60 sec) in /etc/multipath.conf
restart tvault-contego service
Last updated
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