Installing on RHOSP

The Red Hat Openstack Platform Director is the supported and recommended method to deploy and maintain any RHOSP installation. Trilio integrates natively into the RHOSP Director and manual deployment methods are not supported for RHOSP.

1. Prepare for deployment

1.1] Select 'backup target' type

Backup target storage is used to store backup images taken by Trilio and also associated configuration needs. The following backup target types are supported by Trilio:

Backup Target TypesRequired Configuration


  • NFS share path is required

Amazon S3

  • S3 Access Key

  • Secret Key

  • Region

  • Bucket name

Other S3 compatible storage, e.g. Ceph-based S3

  • S3 Access Key

  • Secret Key

  • Region

  • Bucket name

  • Endpoint URL (Valid for S3 other than Amazon S3)

1.2] Clone triliovault-cfg-scripts repository

The overcloud-deploy command must already have been run successfully prior to this point and overcloud should be available. Perform the following steps for 'undercloud' node on an existing RHOSP environment:

All commands need to be run as user 'stack' on undercloud node

RHOSP 16.0 is not supported anymore as RedHat has officially stopped supporting it. However, Trilio maintained it for some time and stopped the support from 4.1HF11 onwards. The latest hotfix available for RHOSP16.0 is 41.HF10. Reach out to the Support team for any help.

  1. Ensure that the Trilio appliance connected to this installation is on the latest Hotfix version. Failure to ensure this may lead to your installation not working as expected.

    1. Refer to this doc :

  2. Run the following command to clone the triliovault-cfg-scripts github repository:

cd /home/stack
git clone -b hotfix-13-TVO/4.1


  1. If your backup target type is 'Ceph-based S3' with SSL, skip this step. Otherwise, access the Red Hat Director scripts according to the RHOSP version being used:

    • RHOSP 13 - cd triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp13/

    • RHOSP 16.1 - cd triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/

    • RHOSP 16.2 - cd triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.2/

  2. If your backup target is Ceph S3 with SSL and your SSL certificates are self-signed or authorized by private CA, you must provide the CA chain certificate to validate the SSL requests. Otherwise, skip this step. To do this:

    1. Rename your CA chain cert file to s3-cert.pem.

    2. Copy the renamed file into the following directory: triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/<RHOSP_RELEASE_Directory>/puppet/trilio/filesIf your overcloud deploy command uses any other deploy artifact through an environment file, then you must merge Trilio deploy artifact url and your url in a single file.

    3. Then access the Red Hat Director scripts according to the version being used:

      • RHOSP 13 - cp s3-cert.pem /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp13/puppet/trilio/files/

      • RHOSP 16.1 - cp s3-cert.pem /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/puppet/trilio/files/

      • RHOSP 16.2 - cp s3-cert.pem /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.2/puppet/trilio/files/

From this point onwards in the documentation, only the following path will be used for examples: cd triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/

2] Upload Trilio-Puppet module

RHOSP 16.1

cd triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/

The following commands upload the Trilio puppet module to the overcloud registry. The upload only happens upon the next deployment.

Step 1: -

cd /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/scripts/

The output of the above command looks like the following.

Creating tarball...
Tarball created.
Creating heat environment file: /home/stack/.tripleo/environments/puppet-modules-url.yaml
Uploading file to swift: /tmp/puppet-modules-8Qjya2X/puppet-modules.tar.gz
| object                | container           | etag                             |
| puppet-modules.tar.gz | overcloud-artifacts | 368951f6a4d39cfe53b5781797b133ad |
## Above command creates the following file.
ls -ll /home/stack/.tripleo/environments/puppet-modules-url.yaml

Trilio puppet module is uploaded to overcloud as a swift deploy artifact with heat resource name 'DeployArtifactURLs'.

Step 2: - Check Trilio's Puppet module artifact file and ensure that it looks like the following:

(undercloud) [stack@ucloud161 ~]$ cat /home/stack/.tripleo/environments/puppet-modules-url.yaml
# Heat environment to deploy artifacts via Swift Temp URL(s)
    - ''

Step 3: -

  • Firstly, check to make sure that your overcloud deploy environment files uses deploy artifacts. To do this check string DeployArtifactURLs in your environment files (only those mentioned in the overcloud deploy command with -e option). If you find any environment file with the -e option, then your deploy command is using deploy artifacts.

  • If your deploy command is using deploy artifact, you must merge all deploy artifacts in a single file. For example, if your artifact file path is /home/stack/templates/user-artifacts.yaml, then perform the following steps to merge both urls in single file, which is passed to the overcloud deploy command with the -e option.

(undercloud) [stack@ucloud161 ~]$ cat /home/stack/.tripleo/environments/puppet-modules-url.yaml | grep http >> /home/stack/templates/user-artifacts.yaml
(undercloud) [stack@ucloud161 ~]$ cat /home/stack/templates/user-artifacts.yaml
# Heat environment to deploy artifacts via Swift Temp URL(s)
    - ''
    - ''

3] Update overcloud roles data file to include Trilio services

Trilio contains multiple services. Add these services to your roles_data.yaml.

In the case of uncustomized roles_data.yaml can the default file be found on the undercloud at:


Add the following services to the roles_data.yaml

All commands need to be run as user 'stack'

3.1] Add Trilio Datamover Api Service to role data file

This service needs to share the same role as the keystone and database service. In case of the pre-defined roles will these services run on the role Controller. In case of custom-defined roles, it is necessary to use the same role where OS::TripleO::Services::Keystone service installed.

Add the following line to the identified role:


3.2] Add Trilio Datamover Service to role data file

This service needs to share the same role as the nova-compute service. In case of the pre-defined roles will the nova-compute service run on the role Compute. In case of custom-defined roles, it is necessary to use the role that the nova-compute service is using.

Add the following line to the identified role:


4] Prepare Trilio container images

All commands need to be run as user 'stack'

Trilio containers are pushed to 'RedHat Container Registry'. Registry URL: Container pull URLs are given below.

Please note that using the hotfix containers requires that the Trilio Appliance is getting upgraded to the desired hotfix level as well.

Refer to the word <HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION> as 4.1.94-hotfix-16 in the below sections


Trilio Datamover container:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp13
Trilio Datamover Api Container:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp13
Trilio horizon plugin:       <HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp13

RHOSP 16.1

Trilio Datamover container:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
Trilio Datamover Api Container:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
Trilio horizon plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1

RHOSP 16.2

Trilio Datamover container:   <HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2
Trilio Datamover Api Container:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2
Trilio horizon plugin:       <HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2

There are three registry methods available in the RedHat OpenStack Platform.

  1. Remote Registry

  2. Local Registry

  3. Satellite Server

4.1] Remote Registry

Follow this section when 'Remote Registry' is used.

In this method, container images get downloaded directly on overcloud nodes during overcloud deploy/update command execution. User can set the remote registry to the RedHat registry or any other private registry that he wants to use. The user needs to provide credentials for the registry in containers-prepare-parameter.yaml file.

  1. Make sure other OpenStack service images are also using the same method to pull container images. If it's not the case you can not use this method.

  2. Populate containers-prepare-parameter.yaml with content like following. Important parameters are 'push_destination: false', ContainerImageRegistryLogin: true and registry credentials. Trilio container images are published to the registry Credentials of registry '' will work for registry too.

Note: This file - containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

File name: containers-prepare-parameter.yaml
  - push_destination: false
      myuser: 'p@55w0rd!'
      myuser: 'p@55w0rd!'
  ContainerImageRegistryLogin: true

Redhat document for remote registry method:

Note: File 'containers-prepare-parameter.yaml' gets created as output of command 'openstack tripleo container image prepare'. Refer above document by RedHat

3. Make sure you have network connectivity to the above registries from all overcloud nodes. Otherwise, image pull operation will fail.

4. Populate the trilio_env.yaml with Trilio container image URLs:

  • Trilio Datamover container

  • Trilio Datamover API container

  • Trilio Horizon Plugin

trilio_env.yaml will be available in

cd triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/<RHOSP_RELEASE_Directory/
vi trilio_env.yaml
# For RHOSP13
$ grep 'Image' trilio_env.yaml

# For RHOSP16.1
$ grep 'Image' trilio_env.yaml
# For RHOSP16.2
$ grep 'Image' trilio_env.yaml

4.2] Local Registry

Follow this section when 'local registry' is used on the undercloud.

In this case, it is necessary to push the Trilio containers to the undercloud registry. Trilio provides shell scripts that will pull the containers from '' and push them to the undercloud and update the trilio_env.yaml.


cd /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp13/scripts/
./ <undercloud_ip/hostname> <HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp13

Verify the changes

$ grep 'Image' ../environments/trilio_env.yaml


cd /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/scripts/
sudo ./ <undercloud_ip/hostname> <HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1

Verify the changes:

$ grep 'Image' ../environments/trilio_env.yaml
   DockerTrilioDatamoverImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
   DockerTrilioDmApiImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
   ContainerHorizonImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1


cd /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.2/scripts/
sudo ./ <undercloud_ip/hostname> <HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2

Verify the changes

$ grep 'Image' ../environments/trilio_env.yaml
   DockerTrilioDatamoverImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2
   DockerTrilioDmApiImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2
   ContainerHorizonImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2

The changes can be verified using the following commands.

(undercloud) [stack@undercloud redhat-director-scripts/<RHOSP_RELEASE_DIRECTORY>]$ openstack tripleo container image list | grep trilio
| docker://undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1                       |                        |
| docker://undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1                   |                   |
| docker://undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1                  |


(undercloud) [stack@undercloud redhat-director-scripts]$ grep 'Image' ../environments/trilio_env.yaml
   DockerTrilioDatamoverImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
   DockerTrilioDmApiImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
   ContainerHorizonImage: undercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1

4.3] Red Hat Satellite Server

Follow this section when a Satellite Server is used for the container registry.

Pull the Trilio containers on the Red Hat Satellite using the given Red Hat registry URLs.

Populate the trilio_env.yaml with container urls.


$ grep 'Images' ../environments/trilio_env.yaml
   DockerTrilioDatamoverImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp13
   DockerTrilioDmApiImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp13
   DockerHorizonImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp13


$ grep 'Image' trilio_env.yaml
   DockerTrilioDatamoverImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
   DockerTrilioDmApiImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
   ContainerHorizonImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1


$ grep 'Image' trilio_env.yaml
   DockerTrilioDatamoverImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2
   DockerTrilioDmApiImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2
   ContainerHorizonImage: <SATELLITE_REGISTRY_URL>/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.2

5] Provide environment details in trilio-env.yaml

Provide backup target details and other necessary details in the provided environment file. This environment file will be used in the overcloud deployment to configure Trilio components. Container image names have already been populated in the preparation of the container images. Still it is recommended to verify the container URLs.

The following information are required additionally:

  • Network for the datamover api

  • datamover password

  • Backup target type {nfs/s3}

  • In case of NFS

    • list of NFS Shares

    • NFS options

  • In case of S3

    • S3 type {amazon_s3/ceph_s3}

    • S3 Access key

    • S3 Secret key

    • S3 Region name

    • S3 Bucket

    • S3 Endpoint URL

    • S3 Signature Version

    • S3 Auth Version

    • S3 SSL Enabled {true/false}

    • S3 SSL Cert

Use ceph_s3 for any non-aws S3 backup targets.

  OS::TripleO::Services::TrilioDatamover: ../services/trilio-datamover.yaml
  OS::TripleO::Services::TrilioDatamoverApi: ../services/trilio-datamover-api.yaml
  # NOTE: If there are addition customizations to the endpoint map (e.g. for
  # other integration), this will need to be regenerated.
  OS::TripleO::EndpointMap: endpoint_map.yaml


   ## Enable Trilio's quota functionality on horizon
     horizon::customization_module: 'dashboards.overrides'

   ## Define network map for trilio datamover api service
       TrilioDatamoverApiNetwork: internal_api

   ## Trilio Datamover Password for keystone and database
   TrilioDatamoverPassword: "test1234"

   ## Trilio container pull urls
   DockerTrilioDatamoverImage: devundercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1
   DockerTrilioDmApiImage: devundercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1

   ## If you do not want Trilio's horizon plugin to replace your horizon container, just comment following line.
   ContainerHorizonImage: devundercloud.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-TAG-VERSION>-rhosp16.1

   ## Backup target type nfs/s3, used to store snapshots taken by triliovault
   BackupTargetType: 'nfs'

   ## For backup target 'nfs'
   NfsShares: ''
   NfsOptions: 'nolock,soft,timeo=180,intr,lookupcache=none'

   ## For backup target 's3'
   ## S3 type: amazon_s3/ceph_s3
   S3Type: 'amazon_s3'

   ## S3 access key
   S3AccessKey: ''

   ## S3 secret key
   S3SecretKey: ''

   ## S3 region, if your s3 does not have any region, just keep the parameter as it is
   S3RegionName: ''

   ## S3 bucket name
   S3Bucket: ''

   ## S3 endpoint url, not required for Amazon S3, keep it as it is
   S3EndpointUrl: ''

   ## S3 signature version
   S3SignatureVersion: 'default'

   ## S3 Auth version
   S3AuthVersion: 'DEFAULT'

   ## If S3 backend is not Amazon S3 and SSL is enabled on S3 endpoint url then change it to 'True', otherwise keep it as 'False'
   S3SslEnabled: False

   ## If S3 backend is not Amazon S3 and SSL is enabled on S3 endpoint URL and SSL certificates are self signed, then
   ## user need to set this parameter value to: '/etc/tvault-contego/s3-cert.pem', otherwise keep it's value as empty string.
   S3SslCert: ''

   ## Don't edit following parameter
   EnablePackageInstall: True

6. Advanced Settings/Configuration

6.1 Haproxy customized configuration for Trilio dmapi service __

The existing default haproxy configuration works fine with most of the environments. Only when timeout issues with the dmapi are observed or other reasons are known, change the configuration as described here.

Following is the haproxy conf file location on haproxy nodes of the overcloud. Trilio datamover api service haproxy configuration gets added to this file.


Trilio datamover haproxy default configuration from the above file looks as follows:

listen trilio_datamover_api
  bind transparent ssl crt /etc/pki/tls/private/overcloud_endpoint.pem
  bind transparent
  balance roundrobin
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto http if !{ ssl_fc }
  http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Port %[dst_port]
  maxconn 50000
  option httpchk
  option httplog
  retries 5
  timeout check 10m
  timeout client 10m
  timeout connect 10m
  timeout http-request 10m
  timeout queue 10m
  timeout server 10m
  server overcloud-controller-0.internalapi.localdomain check fall 5 inter 2000 rise 2

The user can change the following configuration parameter values.

retries 5
timeout http-request 10m
timeout queue 10m
timeout connect 10m
timeout client 10m
timeout server 10m
timeout check 10m
balance roundrobin
maxconn 50000

To change these default values, you need to do the following steps. i) On the undercloud node, open the following file for edit (Edit <RHOSP_RELEASE> with your cloud's release information. Valid values are - rhosp13, rhosp16, rhosp16.1)



For RHOSP16.0


For RHOSP16.1


For RHOSP16.2


ii) Search the following entries and edit as required

             'retries': '5'
             'maxconn': '50000'
             'balance': 'roundrobin'
             'timeout http-request': '10m'
             'timeout queue': '10m'
             'timeout connect': '10m'
             'timeout client': '10m'
             'timeout server': '10m'
             'timeout check': '10m'

iii) Save the changes.

7] Deploy overcloud with trilio environment

Use the following heat environment file and roles data file in overcloud deploy command:

  1. trilio_env.yaml

  2. roles_data.yaml

  3. Use the correct Trilio endpoint map file as per available Keystone endpoint configuration

    1. Instead of tls-endpoints-public-dns.yaml file, use environments/trilio_env_tls_endpoints_public_dns.yaml

    2. Instead of tls-endpoints-public-ip.yaml file, useenvironments/trilio_env_tls_endpoints_public_ip.yaml

    3. Instead of tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml file, useenvironments/trilio_env_tls_everywhere_dns.yaml

To include new environment files use '-e' option and for roles data file use '-r' option. An example overcloud deploy command is shown below:

openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
  -e /home/stack/templates/node-info.yaml \
  -e /home/stack/templates/overcloud_images.yaml \
  -e /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/environments/trilio_env.yaml \
  -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/enable-tls.yaml \
  -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ssl/inject-trust-anchor.yaml \
  -e /home/stack/triliovault-cfg-scripts/redhat-director-scripts/rhosp16.1/environments/trilio_env_tls_endpoints_public_dns.yaml \
  --ntp-server \
  --libvirt-type qemu \
  --log-file overcloud_deploy.log \
  -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles_data.yaml

8] Verify deployment

If the containers are in restarting state or not listed by the following command then your deployment is not done correctly. Please recheck if you followed the complete documentation.

8.1] On Controller node

Make sure Trilio dmapi and horizon containers are in a running state and no other Trilio container is deployed on controller nodes. When the role for these containers is not "controller" check on respective nodes according to configured roles_data.yaml.

[root@overcloud-controller-0 heat-admin]# podman ps | grep trilio
26fcb9194566  rhosptrainqa.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover-api:<HOTFIX-REL-VERSION>-rhosp16.1        kolla_start           5 days ago  Up 5 days ago         trilio_dmapi
094971d0f5a9  rhosptrainqa.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-REL-VERSION>-rhosp16.1       kolla_start           5 days ago  Up 5 days ago         horizon

Verify the haproxy configuration under:


8.2] On Compute node

Make sure Trilio datamover container is in running state and no other Trilio container is deployed on compute nodes.

[root@overcloud-novacompute-0 heat-admin]# podman ps | grep trilio
b1840444cc59  rhosptrainqa.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-datamover:<HOTFIX-REL-VERSION>-rhosp16.1                    kolla_start           5 days ago  Up 5 days ago         trilio_datamover

8.3] On the node with Horizon service

Make sure horizon container is in running state. Please note that 'Horizon' container is replaced with Trilio Horizon container. This container will have latest OpenStack horizon + Trilio's horizon plugin.

[root@overcloud-controller-0 heat-admin]# podman ps | grep horizon
094971d0f5a9  rhosptrainqa.ctlplane.localdomain:8787/trilio/trilio-horizon-plugin:<HOTFIX-REL-VERSION>-rhosp16.1       kolla_start           5 days ago  Up 5 days ago         horizon

9] Additional Steps on Trilio Appliance

9.1] Change the nova user id on the Trilio Nodes

In RHOSP, nova user id on nova-compute docker container is set to '42436'. The 'nova' user id on the Trilio nodes needs to be set the same. Do the following steps on all Trilio nodes:

  1. Download the shell script that will change the user id

  2. Assign executable permissions

  3. Execute the script

  4. Verify that nova user and group id have changed to '42436'

## Download the shell script
$ curl -O

## Assign executable permissions
$ chmod +x

## Execute the shell script to change 'nova' user and group id to '42436'
$ ./

## Ignore any errors and verify that 'nova' user and group id has changed to '42436'
$ id nova
   uid=42436(nova) gid=42436(nova) groups=42436(nova),990(libvirt),36(kvm)

10] Troubleshooting for overcloud deployment failures

Trilio components will be deployed using puppet scripts.

In case if the overcloud deployment is failing, do the following command to provide the list of errors. The following document also provides valuable insights:

openstack stack failures list overcloud
heat stack-list --show-nested -f "status=FAILED"
heat resource-list --nested-depth 5 overcloud | grep FAILED

=> If trilio datamover api containers does not start well or in restarting state, use following logs to debug.

docker logs trilio_dmapi

tailf /var/log/containers/trilio-datamover-api/dmapi.log


=> If trilio datamover containers does not start well or in restarting state, use following logs to debug.

docker logs trilio_datamover

tailf /var/log/containers/trilio-datamover/tvault-contego.log

Last updated