Installing on Kolla Ussuri

This page lists all steps required to deploy Trilio components on Kolla-ansible deployed OpenStack cloud.

1] Plan for Deployment

Please ensure that the Trilio Appliance has been updated to the latest hotfix before continuing the installation.

Refer to the below-mentioned acceptable values for the placeholders in this document as per the Openstack environment: kolla_base_distro : ubuntu / centos triliovault_tag : 4.1.94-hotfix-13-ussuri / 4.1.94-hotfix-12-victoria

1.1] Select backup target type

Backup target storage is used to store backup images taken by Trilio and details needed for configuration:

Following backup target types are supported by Trilio. Select one of them and get it ready before proceeding to the next step.

a) NFS

Need NFS share path

b) Amazon S3

- S3 Access Key - Secret Key - Region - Bucket name

c) Other S3 compatible storage (Like, Ceph based S3)

- S3 Access Key - Secret Key - Region - Endpoint URL (Valid for S3 other than Amazon S3) - Bucket name

2] Clone Trilio Deployment Scripts

Clone triliovault-cfg-scripts GitHub repository on Kolla ansible server at '/root' or any other directory of your preference. Afterward, copy the Trilio Ansible role into the Kolla-ansible roles directory

git clone -b hotfix-13-TVO/4.1
cd triliovault-cfg-scripts/kolla-ansible/

# For Centos and Ubuntu
cp -R ansible/roles/triliovault /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/roles/

3] Hook Trilio deployment scripts to Kolla-ansible deploy scripts

3.1] Add Trilio global variables to globals.yml

## For Centos and Ubuntu
## Take backup of globals.yml
cp /etc/kolla/globals.yml /opt/

## Append Trilio global variables to globals.yml 
cat ansible/triliovault_globals.yml >> /etc/kolla/globals.yml

3.2] Add Trilio passwords to kolla passwords.yaml

Append triliovault_passwords.yml to /etc/kolla/passwords.yml. Passwords are empty. Set these passwords manually in the /etc/kolla/passwords.yml.

## For Centos and Ubuntu
## Take backup of passwords.yml
cp /etc/kolla/passwords.yml /opt/

## Append Trilio global variables to passwords.yml 
cat ansible/triliovault_passwords.yml >> /etc/kolla/passwords.yml

Edit /etc/kolla/passwords.yml, go to the end of the file and set trilio passwords.

3.3] Append Trilio site.yml content to kolla ansible’s site.yml

## For Centos and Ubuntu
## Take backup of site.yml
cp /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/site.yml /opt/

## Append Trilio code to site.yml
cat ansible/triliovault_site.yml >> /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/site.yml

3.4] Append triliovault_inventory.txt to your cloud’s kolla-ansible inventory file.

For example:
If your inventory file name path '/root/multinode' then use following command.

cat ansible/triliovault_inventory.txt >> /root/multinode

4] Edit globals.yml to set Trilio parameters

Edit /etc/kolla/globals.yml file to fill Trilio backup target and build details. You will find the Trilio related parameters at the end of globals.yml file. Details like Trilio build version, backup target type, backup target details, etc need to be filled out.

Following is the list of parameters that the usr needs to edit.




Container tags. Use ussuri tagged containers for Ussuri and victoria tagged containers for Victoria


Keep Default

By default will the Trilio Horizon container not get deployed.

Uncomment this parameter to deploy Trilio Horizon container instead of Openstack Horizon container.



default docker user of Trilio (read permission only)



password for default docker user of Trilio


Default value:

Edit this value if a different container registry for Trilio containers is to be used. Containers need to be pulled from and pushed to chosen registry first.


  • nfs

  • amazon_s3

  • ceph_s3

nfs if the backup target is NFS

amazon_s3 if the backup target is Amazon S3

ceph_s3 if the backup target type is S3 but not amazon S3.


<NFS-IP/FQDN>:/<NFS path>

NFS share path example: ‘’


'nolock,soft,timeo=180, intr,lookupcache=none'

These parameter set NFS mount options. Keep default values, unless a special requirement exists.


S3 Access Key

Valid for amazon_s3 and ceph_s3


S3 Secret Key

Valid for amazon_s3 and ceph_s3


  • Default value: us-east-1

  • S3 Region name

Valid for amazon_s3 and ceph_s3

If s3 storage doesn't have region parameter keep default


S3 Bucket name

Valid for amazon_s3 and ceph_s3


S3 Endpoint URL

Valid for ceph_s3 only


  • True

  • False

Valid for ceph_s3 only

Set true for SSL enabled S3 endpoint URL



Valid for ceph_s3 only with SSL enabled and self signed certificates

OR issued by a private authority. In this case, copy the ceph s3 ca chain file to/etc/kolla/config/triliovault/

directory on ansible server. Create this directory if it does not exist already.


  • True

  • False

Valid for ceph_s3 only

Set to True when: SSL enabled with self-signed certificates or issued by a private authority.

In the case of a different registry than docker hub, Trilio containers need to be pulled from and pushed to preferred registries.

Following are the triliovault container image URLs. Replace kolla_base_distro and triliovault_tag variables with their values.<kolla_base_distro>-binary-trilio-datamover-api:<triliovault_tag><kolla_base_distro>-binary-trilio-datamover:<triliovault_tag><kolla_base_distro>-binary-trilio-horizon-plugin:<triliovault_tag>

5] Enable Trilio Snapshot mount feature

To enable Trilio's Snapshot mount feature it is necessary to make the Trilio Backup target available to the nova-compute and nova-libvirt containers.

Edit /usr/local/share/kolla-ansible/ansible/roles/nova-cell/defaults/main.yml and find nova_libvirt_default_volumes variable. Append the Trilio mount bind /var/trilio:/var/trilio:shared to the list of already existing volumes.

For a default Kolla installation, will the variable look as follows afterward:

  - "{{ node_config_directory }}/nova-libvirt/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
  - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
  - "{{ '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' if ansible_os_family == 'Debian' else '' }}"
  - "/lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro"
  - "/run/:/run/:shared"
  - "/dev:/dev"
  - "/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup"
  - "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
  - "libvirtd:/var/lib/libvirt"
  - "{{ nova_instance_datadir_volume }}:/var/lib/nova/"
  - "
{% if enable_shared_var_lib_nova_mnt | bool %}/var/lib/nova/mnt:/var/lib/nova/mnt:shared{% endif %}
  - "nova_libvirt_qemu:/etc/libvirt/qemu"
  - "{{ kolla_dev_repos_directory ~ '/nova/nova:/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python' ~ distro_python_version ~ '/site-packages/nova' if nova_dev_mode | bool else '' }
  - "/var/trilio:/var/trilio:shared"

Next, find the variable nova_compute_default_volumes in the same file and append the mount bind /var/trilio:/var/trilio:shared to the list.

After the change will the variable look for a default Kolla installation as follows:

  - "{{ node_config_directory }}/nova-compute/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
  - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
  - "{{ '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' if ansible_os_family == 'Debian' else '' }}"
  - "/lib/modules:/lib/modules:ro"
  - "/run:/run:shared"
  - "/dev:/dev"
  - "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
  - "
{% if enable_iscsid | bool %}iscsi_info:/etc/iscsi{% endif %}"
  - "libvirtd:/var/lib/libvirt"
  - "{{ nova_instance_datadir_volume }}:/var/lib/nova/"
  - "{% if enable_shared_var_lib_nova_mnt | bool %}/var/lib/nova/mnt:/var/lib/nova/mnt:shared{% endif %}"
  - "{{ kolla_dev_repos_directory ~ '/nova/nova:/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python' ~ distro_python_version ~ '/site-packages/nova' if nova_dev_mode | bool else '' }}"
  - "/var/trilio:/var/trilio:shared"

In case of using Ironic compute nodes, one more entry needs to be adjusted in the same file. Find the variable nova_compute_ironic_default_volumes and append trilio mount /var/trilio:/var/trilio:shared to the list.

After the changes the variable will look like the following:

  - "{{ node_config_directory }}/nova-compute-ironic/:{{ container_config_directory }}/:ro"
  - "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro"
  - "{{ '/etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro' if ansible_os_family == 'Debian' else '' }}"
  - "kolla_logs:/var/log/kolla/"
  - "{{ kolla_dev_repos_directory ~ '/nova/nova:/var/lib/kolla/venv/lib/python' ~ distro_python_version ~ '/site-packages/nova' if nova_dev_mode | bool else '' }}"
  - "/var/trilio:/var/trilio:shared"

6] Pull Trilio container images

Pull the Trilio container images from the Dockerhub based on the existing inventory file. In the example is the inventory file named multinode.

kolla-ansible -i multinode pull --tags triliovault

7] Deploy Trilio

All that is left, is to run the deploy command using the existing inventory file. In the example is the inventory file named 'multinode'.

This is just an example command. You need to use your cloud deploy command.

kolla-ansible -i multinode deploy

8] Verify Trilio deployment

Verify on the nodes that are supposed to run the Trilio containers, that those are available and healthy.

[root@controller ~]# docker ps | grep triliovault_datamover_api
f00781997bc3        trilio/centos-binary-trilio-datamover-api:<triliovualt_tag>    "dumb-init --single-…"   2 minutes ago       Up 2 minutes                            triliovault_datamover_api

[root@compute ~]# docker ps | grep triliovault_datamover
84831db5d215        trilio/centos-binary-trilio-datamover:<triliovualt_tag>     "dumb-init --single-…"   5 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes                            triliovault_datamover

[root@controller ~]# docker ps | grep horizon
f3647e0fff27        trilio/centos-binary-trilio-horizon-plugin:<triliovualt_tag>   "dumb-init --single-…"   8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes                            horizon

9] Troubleshooting Tips

9.1 ] Check Trilio containers and their startup logs

To see all TriloVault containers running on a specific node use the docker ps command.

docker ps -a | grep trilio

To check the startup logs use the docker logs <container name> command.

docker logs trilio_datamover_api
docker logs trilio_datamover

9.2] Trilio Horizon tabs are not visible in Openstack

Verify that the Trilio Appliance is configured. The Horizon tabs are only shown when a configured Trilio appliance is available.

Verify that the Trilio horizon container is installed and in a running state.

docker ps | grep horizon

9.3] Trilio Service logs

  • Trilio datamover api service logs on datamover api node

  • Trilio datamover service logs on datamover node


10. Change the nova user id on the Trilio Nodes

Note: This step needs to be done on Trilio Appliance node. Not on OpenStack node.

Pre-requisite: You should have already launched Trilio appliance VM

In Kolla OpenStack distribution, nova user id on nova-compute docker container is set to '42436'. The nova user id on the Trilio nodes needs to be set the same. Do the following steps on all Trilio nodes:

  1. Download the shell script that will change the user id

  2. Assign executable permissions

  3. Execute the script

  4. Verify that nova user and group id have changed to '42436'

  5. After this step, you can proceed to the 'Configuring Trilio' section.

## Download the shell script
$ curl -O

## Assign executable permissions
$ chmod +x

## Execute the shell script to change 'nova' user and group id to '42436'
$ ./

## Ignore any errors and verify that 'nova' user and group id has changed to '42436'
$ id nova
   uid=42436(nova) gid=42436(nova) groups=42436(nova),990(libvirt),36(kvm)

Last updated

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