Use Cases

Use cases enabled by Trilio for Kubernetes


Backup and recovery capabilities within Trilio for Kubernetes enable a plethora of use cases and opportunities for customers. An explanation of two metrics are particularly important when building use cases around application resiliency: RPO and RTO

Recovery Point Objective

Recovery Point Objective (RPO) determines data lag of backup images with respect to the latest production data.

Recovery Time Objective

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) determines how long it takes to recover an application from backup data.

Trilio supports backup policies that helps you implement your application specific RPOs. You can schedule a backup as frequently as 1 hr to implement a better RPO for your applications.

Data Protection

Based on Trilio's backup and recovery technology, point-in-time backups and restores can be created for cloud-native applications protecting them from data corruption or other malicious activity on production data.

Ransomware claimed nearly ~$40K in Q3 2019, and organizations had data unavailable for an average of 12.1 days amongst other direct and indirect losses. Point-in-time data protection is a key solution to help protect data from Ransomware outages.

Disaster Recovery

Based on Trilio's backup and recovery technology, point-in-time backups and restores can be created for cloud-native applications protecting them from data corruption or other malicious activity on production data.

The same backup and recovery technology can be leveraged in case of outages at the primary site to restore an entire environment to a separate location, fulfilling Disaster Recovery.

Trilio backups are application aware and includes all artifacts that define the application. These include persistent data, Pod definitions, config maps, secrets, and other items. It recovers the entire application allowing you to achieve the most optimal RTO possible.


You may need to migrate applications from one cloud platform to another or one Kubernetes cluster to a different Kubernetes cluster. Most businesses and compliance initiatives are now mandating IT organizations to have a proven multi-cloud strategy - so that **** they are not locked to a specific cloud vendor. IT departments are now required to demonstrate their multi-cloud strategy by recovering business applications in multiple clouds. By choosing cloud storage as backup target, Trilio can demonstrate an application migration use case.

Test and Development

Another popular use case is test and development for DevOps. There are a plethora of tools that can help you achieve DevOps, but most of them lack the capability to version control the production data. Exiting DevOp tools can help version control the code and help you streamline processes. However, in some instances you may a need point-in-time of production data for you DevOps processes including identifying performance bottlenecks, troubleshooting data corruption and other issues. Trilio can reliably restore a point-in-time of your production application including its associated data for test and development needs.

Ransomware Protection

Trilio provides and will continue to innovate its strategy to protect against ransomware attacks. Ransomware protection from Trilio is aligned to the pillars of the NIST and NCCoE cybersecurity frameworks. The pillars are defined as Identify and Protect, Detect and Mitigate, and Recover. Trilio has built (and is building) features to align with these pillars:

  1. Identify and Protect - Application discovery, Security Validations Immutable backups, Encryption, Zero-Trust etc.

  2. Detect and Mitigate - Scanning of Backups, Anomaly Detection, Notifications into Slack/Teams etc.

  3. Recover - Deep logging, Isolation testing, DR workflows and multiple target types to increase recoverability surface.

Last updated