
This section describes how to uninstall Trilio for Kubernetes

Deprecated Documentation

This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.


RedHat OpenShift User Interface

Please ensure all Trilio Custom Resources have been deleted from the environment before proceeding. This is required for a fresh new install of Trilio for Kubernetes

Uninstalling the Trilio for Kubernetes application is extremely simple and can be done directly from the OpenShift user interface.

After successful uninstall the Trilio application will not be available.

Do not forget to delete the Trilio CRDs from the CRD page of OpenShift. Or run oc delete crds $(oc get crds | grep trilio | awk '{print $1}')from OpenShift CLI

Upstream Kubernetes

Please ensure all Trilio Custom Resources have been deleted from the environment before proceeding. This is required for a fresh new install of Trilio for Kubernetes

Use the following steps to uninstall Trilio for Kubernetes on all other certified Kubernetes distributions where Trilio operator was installed via Helm.

  1. Delete all triliovaultmanager custom resources (CR's) created, so that all related controller pods are deleted.

  2. Run helm uninstall <operator-name> where operator-name is the name you provided during install time.

  3. Run kubectl delete crds $(kubectl get crds | grep trilio | awk '{print $1}')

  4. This will cleanup all the CRD's created by Trilio for Kubernetes.

The application is now uninstalled and you can install a newer version.

Last updated