
This section includes detailed instructions on how to install Trilio for Kubernetes on OpenShift and other certified Kubernetes Distributions.

Deprecated Documentation

This document is deprecated and no longer supported. For accurate, up-to-date information, please refer to the documentation for the latest version of Trilio.


Prerequisites for Trilio for Kubernetes

Before installing Trilio for Kubernetes please review the compatibility matrix to ensure the application can function smoothly in your Kubernetes environment.

  1. If using Kubernetes 1.12 to 1.16, the alpha featuregate for VolumeSnapshotDataSource needs to be enabled since it is still in Technology Preview for those versions. Follow the instructions provided in the Enabling Alpha Feature Gate Appendix section to enable the featuregate.

  2. Trilio makes environment validation easy by providing a 'Precheck tool' that runs against a Kubernetes cluster and provides an output stating if the environment is suitable to proceed with a successful installation of the application. Please check the Trilio for Kubernetes Preflight check Appendix page to see the requirements of the application follow the instructions to run the Preflight tool.

  3. Trilio leverages the default storage driver that is available on the Kubernetes platform and can function with RWO/RWX storage access mode.\

Installing Trilio for Kubernetes on OpenShift

Trilio is available as a certified Operator in the embedded OperatorHub for OpenShift environments.

Trilio is currently working with RedHat to create a 'Data Protection' category within the embedded OperatorHub to host the Trilio for Kubernetes data protection application - the first in this space. Trilio is currently available in the Database,Monitoring,Security,Developer Tools categories

  1. Within OpenShift, ensure the correct Project is selected.

  2. Select OperatorHub in the left panel.

  3. Either search by typing 'Trilio' or find Trilio for Kubernetes in any of these categories - Database/Monitoring/Security/Developer Tools

4. Select the Trilio for Kubernetes Tile

If the T4K tile is not available within OperatorHub (which could happen because of pipeline issues), follow the instructions to install via a CustomCatalog Source

5. Click Install

6. Select if this is a clusterwide installation of Trilio or Namespaced only. Note, selecting clusterwide will install Trilio in all namespaces. Please refer to the RBAC section to understand the security related roles and permissions created and leveraged by Trilio 7. Select the Approval Strategy for receiving updates - Automatic or Manual

8. Click Subscribe

9. Confirm that Trilio for Kubernetes has been installed successfully.

Offline Install

Trilio for Kubernetes has been designed to support installation in a restricted or disconnected network as part of the OLM framework. Please follow the instructions from the OpenShift Documentation to install T4K in an offline environment

Installing Trilio on Kubernetes

Follow the instructions in this section to Install Trilio for Kubernetes on any certified Kubernetes distributions.

This section assumes that you have installed kubectl and helm installed and correctly configured to work with desired Kubernetes cluster. We support both v2 and v3 versions of helm.

  1. Add the Trilio Helm repository to your local setup

helm repo add triliovault-operator
helm repo add triliovault
helm repo update

2. Install Trilio operator helm chart

For helm2
helm install --name=triliovault-operator triliovault-operator/k8s-triliovault-operator --version 1.1.0

For helm3
helm install triliovault-operator triliovault-operator/k8s-triliovault-operator --version 1.1.0

3. List Trilio operator helm release name

$ helm list | grep triliovault

triliovault-operator    1               Thu Mar 26 16:00:40 2020        DEPLOYED        k8s-triliovault-operator-1.0.0 1.0.0           default

4. Verify Trilio operator pods are running

$ kubectl get pods -l release=triliovault-operator
NAME                                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
triliovault-operator-k8s-triliovault-operator-7bf447967f-w5tgd   1/1     Running   0          2m7s

5. Deploy Trilio Cluster

  • The Trilio custom resource name is TrilioVaultManager

  • Trilio Operator defines this Custom Resource (CR).

The trilioVaultAppVersion field in your .yaml will be different and point to a 1.0.0 version. Please refer to the Compatibility Matrix to use the most recent build version

In the CRD example below,restoreNamespaces is optional. To restrict restores to specific namespaces specify the namespaces for that field.

For Helm v2

$ cat triliovault-manager.yaml
kind: TrilioVaultManager
    triliovault: triliovault
  name: triliovault-manager
  namespace: default
  trilioVaultAppVersion: 1.1.1
    version: v2
    tillerNamespace: kube-system
  applicationScope: Cluster
  #restoreNamespaces: ["kube-system", "default", "restore-ns"]
      #memory: 400Mi

For Helm v3

kind: TrilioVaultManager
    triliovault: triliovault
  name: triliovault-manager
  namespace: default
  trilioVaultAppVersion: 1.1.1
    version: v3
  applicationScope: Cluster
  #restoreNamespaces: ["kube-system", "default", "restore-ns"]
      #memory: 400Mi
$ kubectl create -f triliovault-manager.yaml

6. List CR of TrilioVaultManager.

kubectl get triliovaultmanager
triliovault-manager   1.1.1                Cluster   Deployed   [kube-system default restore-ns]

7. List pods created by TrilioVaultManager CR

$ kubectl get pods
k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook-846bf69f8d-rs7jt                1/1     Running     0          4d13h
k8s-triliovault-control-plane-5949675d88-9ddnr                    1/1     Running     0          4d13h
k8s-triliovault-exporter-695d75dcb4-c9tfw                         1/1     Running     0          4d13h

8. Verify all TrilioVaultManager pods are running.

$ kubectl get pods -l app=k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook
NAME                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-triliovault-admission-webhook-846bf69f8d-rs7jt   1/1     Running   0          3m31s
$ kubectl get pods -l app=k8s-triliovault-control-plane
NAME                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-triliovault-control-plane-5949675d88-9ddnr   1/1     Running   0          3m54s

Trilio is now successfully installed on your cluster.

Last updated