Preparing the Installation

TrilioVault for RHV integrates tightly into the RHV environment itself. This integration requires preparation before the installation starts.

Installing Redis

TrilioVault is extending the ovirt-imageio services running on the RHV Manager and the RHV Hosts to allow the parallel disk transfer from multiple RHV-Hosts at the same time.

This extension is using a task queue system, Python Celery.

Python Celery requires a message broker system like RabbitMQ or Redis. TrilioVault uses the Redis message broker.

RHV does not include Redis, so installation is necessary.

Redis is not available from a Red Hat repository yet. The Fedora EPEL repository provides the needed packages.

The following steps install Redis:

  1. Add the Fedora EPEL Repository# yum install

  2. Install Redis # yum install redis

  3. Start Redis # systemctl start redis.service

  4. Enable Redis to start on boot # systemctl enable redis

  5. Check Redis status # systemctl status redis.service

Enabling Disk Upload through RHV Manager

Trilio delivers the TrilioVault Appliance as a qcow2 image.

Trilio supports that the TrilioVault Appliance is running on the same RHV Cluster it protects.

Uploading the qcow2 to the RHV Datastore is easy, but depending on the RHV usage so far, it might require the installation of additional certificates.

Verify the connection to the ovirt-imageio-proxy

RHV is using the ovirt-imageio-proxy service to upload and download images, snapshots, and disks through the RHV Manager.

The following steps verify the connection to the ovirt-imageio-proxy service.

  1. Log in to the administrative portal of the RHV Manager

  2. Go to Storage ➡️ Disks

  3. Go to Upload ➡️ Start

  4. Click Test Connection

When the connection test is unsuccessful, please proceed with the necessary steps to install the ovirt-engine-certificates.

When the connection test is successful, no further steps are required to upload the image.

Install the ovirt-engine certificate

When the Test-Connection to the ovirt-imageio-proxy is failing, a usual reason is the client system mistrusting the RHV-M due to a missing certificate.

The RHV-M does have two certificates, which can both be required to access the ovirt-imageio-proxy.

The first certificate is directly available for download from the error message in the window. The below URL shows the general path to the certificate. The downloaded certificate is the root certificate for the certificates used by the ovirt-imageio-proxy.


Download and install this certificate according to the clients operating system and browser used.

Test the connection to the ovirt-imageio-proxy again after installation.

Proceed to the second certificate only in case of the connection still failing.

The second certificate is the actual certificate of the ovirt-imageio-proxy shown to the client system upon connection. The download is only possible from the RHV-M host system directly. The usual location of the certificate is:


Please visit /etc/ovirt-imageio-proxy/ovirt-imageio-proxy.conf in case of the certificate being located elsewhere.

Install the certificate according to the client's operating system and browser used.

Test the connection to the ovirt-imageio-proxy again after installation.

Please contact your administrator when the connection still fails.

Uploading the TrilioVault VM qcow2 disk to RHV

The TrilioVault VM qcow2 image is a full operating system disk, that is getting attached to a VM running on the RHV-Cluster.

To be able to spin up the TrilioVault VM, upload the qcow2 disk into the RHV datadomain.

The following procedure uploads the qcow2 disk:

  1. Go to Storage➡️Disk

  2. Go to Upload➡️Start

  3. Fill out the presented form and choose the path to the qcow2 image on the client system

  4. Click OK to start the upload

In case of the upload not starting after several minutes, verify that the connection to the ovirt-imageio-proxy is possible.

Last updated