The Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift 18.0 is the supported and recommended method to deploy and maintain any RHOSO installation.
Trilio is integrating natively into the RHOSO. Manual deployment methods are not supported for RHOSO.
Refer to the link Resources to get release specific values of the placeholders, viz Container URLs
, trilio_branch
, RHOSO Version
in this document as per the Openstack environment:
The following steps are to be done on the bastion
node on an already installed RHOSO environment.
The following command clones the triliovault-cfg-scripts github repository.
Please get value of parameter CONTAINER-TAG-VERSION
from install document. This is Trilio for OpenStack Operator container image tag.
Operator parameter details from file tvo-operator-inputs.yaml
that user need to edit:
- trustee_role should be creator,member
if barbican is enabled. Otherwise trustee_role should be member
. Any openstack user that wants to create backup jobs and take backups needs this role in respective openstack project.
- memcached_servers value should be fetched using command oc -n openstack get memcached -o jsonpath='{.items[*].status.serverList[*]}'| tr ' ' ','
- User need to choose which backup targets(Where backups taken by TVO will get stored) to use for this TVO deployment. - User can use multiple backup targets of type ‘NFS' or 'S3’ type like NFS share, Amazon S3 bucket, Ceph S3 bucket etc. - For Amazon S3 backup target s3_type: ‘amazon_s3’ - For all other S3 backup targets s3_type: 'other_s3' - For Amazon S3, s3_endpoint_url value will be empty string. Internally we pick it correctly. - For Amazon s3 s3_self_signed_cert is always 'false'
- 'keystone_interface' set it to any of the value [’internal', 'public']. This interface will be used for communication between TVO and OpenStack services. - 'service_project_name': This is project name where all services are registered. - ‘service_project_domain_name': service project’s domain name - 'admin_role_name': Admin role name - 'cloud_admin_user_name': OpenStack cloud admin user name - 'cloud_admin_user_password': OpenStack cloud admin user password - 'cloud_admin_project_name': Cloud admin project name - 'auth_url': Keystone auth url of respective interface provided in keystone_interface parameter. - ‘auth_uri': Just append '/v3’ to auth_url - 'keystone_auth_protocol': https or http Auth protocol of keystone endpoint url of provided keystone_interface - 'keystone_auth_host': Full host name from keystone auth_url -'is_self_signed_ssl_cert': True/False, Whether the TLS certs used by keystone endpoint url mentioned in auth_url parameter uses self signed certs or not
keystone.datamover_api and keystone.wlm_api
For both components datamover_api and wlm_api we have same set of parameters. - ‘user': This is openstack user that is used by service datamover_api. Please don’t change this one. - ‘password': User can set this to any value. This is password for openstack user mentioned in parameter 'user’ - ‘service_name': Don’t need to change - 'service_type': Don’t need to change - 'service_desc': Don’t need to change - ‘internal_endpoint': Trilio service internal endpoint. Please refer other openstack service endpoints and set this one accordingly. - ‘public_endpoint': User just need to set replace parameter 'PUBLIC_ENDPOINT_DOMAIN’ here. Please refer other openstack services public endpoint url. - ‘public_auth_host': FQDN mentioned in parameter 'public_endpoint’
- 'root_user_name': OpenStack database system root user name. Keep this as it is. Don’t need to change unless you know that root username is changed.
- 'root_password': Database root user password using command
oc -n openstack get secret osp-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.DbRootPassword}' | base64 --decode
- 'host': Database host/FQDN name
oc -n openstack get secret nova-api-config-data -o jsonpath='{.data.01-nova\.conf}' | base64 --decode | awk '/connection =/ {match($0, /@([^?/]+)/, arr); print arr[1]; exit}'
- 'port': Database port
database.datamover_api and database.wlm_api
- 'user': Do not change - 'password': Set any password for trilio database users - 'database': Do not change
- ‘admin_user': Provide rabbitmq admin user name using command. oc -n openstack exec -it rabbitmq-server-0 bash
rabbitmqctl list_users
- ‘admin_password': Provide rabbitmq admin user’s password. Generally in rhoso18 cloud, default_user… is the admin user. But if the default user is not administrator then you need to use some other secrets or commands to find out the password of that user. Refer command: oc -n openstack get secret rabbitmq-default-user -o jsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 -d
- 'host': Provide rabbitmq cluster host name using command oc -n openstack get secret rabbitmq-default-user -o jsonpath='{}' | base64 -d
- 'port': Provide rabbitmq management API port on which it can be connected using rabbitmqadmin command. Generally this is 15671 for RHOSO. So you can keep it as it is. 5671 is not a management API port. Refer command:oc -n openstack get cm rabbitmq-server-conf -o jsonpath='{.data.userDefinedConfiguration.conf}' | grep management.ssl.port
- 'driver': Rabbitmq driver
- ‘ssl': If SSL/TLS is enabled on rabbitmq, set this to true other wise set it to false. This is boolean parameter.
rabbitmq.datamover_api and rabbitmq.wlm_api
- 'user': Do not change this.
- ‘password': User need to set this as per their choice
- 'vhost': Do not change this
‘transport_url': User needs to set this. Edit ‘${PASSWORD}' and '${RABBITMQ_HOST}’ from given default url. You can edit SSL and port settings if necessary. oc describe secret rabbitmq-default-user -n openstack
oc get secret rabbitmq-default-user -n openstack -o jsonpath='{.data.username}' | base64 --decode
These parameters sets number of replicas for Trilio components. Default values are standard. Unless needed you don’t need to change it. Please note that number of replicas for triliovault_wlm_cron pod should always be set to 1.
Trilio control plane services will be deployed on OpenShift nodes having label trilio-control-plane=enabled
. It is recommended to use three Kubernetes nodes for Trilio control plane services. Please use following commands to assign correct labels to nodes.
Get list of OpenShift nodes
Assign ‘trilio-control-plane=enabled' label to any three nodes of your choice where you want to deploy TVO control plane services.
Verify list of nodes having 'trilio-control-plane=enabled' label
Following script creates TLS certificates for Trilio services and defines secrets having these certs.
parameter in utils/certicate.yaml file and set it to correct value. Refer openstack keystone service public endpoint.
Create certificates and secrets
You can verify if these cert secrets are created in 'trilio-openstack' namespace.
Verify if wlm cloud trust created successfully
Set context to ‘openstack' namespace. All the trilio data plane resources will be created in 'openstack’ namespace.
Create config map having all input parameters for Trilio data plane services deployment.
To get 'dmapi_database_connection' you can refer following command:
In this step we will trigger the ansible scripts execution to deploy Trilio data plane components. Get Data Plane NodeSet names using following command
Edit two things in following file
Set Unique ‘name' for every ansible execution for ‘OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment’
Set correct name for 'nodeSets’ parameter. Take nodeSet name from previous step.
To check list of deployment names alreday used, please use following command
Trigger Trilio Data plane deployment execution
Edit parameter name : <OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment_NAME>, use name from above steps.
If it fails or completes and you want to run it again, you need to change the name of CR resource ‘OpenStackDataPlaneDeployment' to something new and unique in following template 'trilio-data-plane-deployment.yaml' and create it again using oc create command.
Login to one of the compute node and check trilio compute service containers.
For TrilioVault functionality to work, we need the following Linux kernel modules to be loaded on all compute nodes(Where Trilio Datamover services are going to be installed). Install nbd module using commands:
Pre-requisite: You should have created image pull secret for Trilio container images.
Get the openstackversion CR
Edit the openstackversion CR resource/object and change horizonImage undercustomContainerImages Set 'horizonImage:' to Trilio Horizon Plugin container image url as shown below.
For example: if resource name is 'openstack-controlplane'
Save changes and exit. [Use escape + Colon + wq like linu vi editor.]
Verify if changes are done correctly.
Please refer to